Tree of Savior Forum

280+ content will make this game good

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well everyone hates north Korea xD

The themes this game uses seem to be based around the time when men wore heels. This is like the third complaint on shoes.
A lot of people have heel fetishes don’t they.

After the whole impression IMC left from picking up this game, and you come to realize they are working (wasting time) on the most boring generic ugly a$$ looking game called Wolf Knight… I mean i just can’t even…I can’t even cringe anymore :sob:


anyway ktos jurate server sounds like good news if we get on r8

3 months sandbox server, got bonuses for fast leveling (seems can be merged to original server). moar chars huehuehue idk what will happen to original serv in the meantime tho (if everyone reroll leaving a ghost serv for 3 months)

link / google translated /

It’s about damn time.

Why couldnt males wear heels if we wanted? XD

if they were able to fix the fps issues and some major exploit people have been talking about. I can see myself playing this game for a long long time.

280+? My sapper cant even advance to sapper 2 because they broke the advancement quest.

I will believe it when I see it on ITos, right now is not fix in here that’s the fact. People including myself who come to this site are mostly playing on Itos. people are running out of patience withing for IMC 's “fake-coming” fix.

oh sh!t, I think it’s worki구절판 신선로 불고기 갈비 닭갈비 삼겹살 막창구이 곱창구이 생선구이 석화구이 or 조개구이 더덕구이 버섯구이 김구이 or 구운 김 갈비찜 찜닭 호박전 두부전…