Tree of Savior Forum

20 BOTs in Demon Prison Earn more than 864 M, NO BAN MORE THAN 15 days

100k per hour x 24 hr x 15 days x 20 bots = 864 M

GM : Thank for report blah blah… We will investigate blah blah…

…Then nothing happen

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Ban bots or sell this game to blizzard


[removed for no reason]

The largest issue is being understaffed for these problems. The best option is making VIP servers for players willing to pay a monthly subscription fee to have access to new content and slightly better drop rates. This way there is sustainable income for a company to hire staff members specifically for the sole purpose to deal with these problems on a day to day bases.

You have to imagine hundreds of thousands of players reporting problems and developers going through miles of report logs and players actions scripts to find out what the exact issues are. Put yourself in their shoes would you? Just think about it. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately its same in all servers … Bots everywhere and there is no gm to do something … Thats why low profit companies fail the big games. … IMC should have never took TOS if not gona take it serious

I wonder what the staff actually do all day. Prepare to post 1-2 things per week?

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BETTER SELL IT TO KURNIAWAN.[quote=“kuroisha, post:6, topic:301556, full:true”]
Ban bots or sell this game to blizzard

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Get ready for 2000 reports in 10 minutes.

Good luck doing that.

There should be a report button, that costs RP so people get faster attention then other people. Only way to make it doable.

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Solo camp farmed a spot and got called a bot in that place too back when I was 160-165. Planted my JR, SBed stabbed mobs clean right after they spawned, parties shooing(likely reported me as bot) me away cos’ POPs are dead before they can get there.

On topic, IMC should focus on sweeping Cleric classes since they are what most used in silver bot farming due to they’re cheapest in terms of resource needs for survival in solo play, followed by afk Sorcs with macro on summon, Bee Farm all channels have at least one Sorc just right at the entrance afk farming with their summon.