Tree of Savior Forum

2 players using obviously exploited gear

I can smell your bulshit miles away mate. Just stop, its embarrassing already.


I can’t believe what I’m reading. Is this real life?

Okey guys, discussion is over, we are all dumbs and getting manipulated by the OP because we should accept people cheating and at this moment we aren’t.

Holy moly dude, for real, you should be banned IRL for thinking this way LMAO

Ordinary guys. Not thugs. Not criminals. Not hackers. Not cheaters.
They played the game and used the flaws of the game, with no harm - that is what you’d like to think. I would like to lead you back to the terms of service that you (and them) may have very likely not read yet so readily accepted upon creation of your account.

You need to report any game errors, bugs and other gameplay issues to IMC Games. You shall not abuse them for your own benefits nor to cause grievances to others, and pass this information to others who may abuse them for their benefits.


Yes, ban me for dissent =) maybe I need to actually kill in reality?) Children, do not repeat the mistakes of their friends from kamboja , which Pol Pot staged a bloody revolution xD

I’d trade to have Euphie unbanned to get this guy banned.


I’m more interested in what the exploit actually was…
Cause atm, we are all convinced that Euphie/Raizon exploited the game but we don’t know if they really cheated and what was the extent of the cheat if they did :confused:

You can crash a whole channel causing a rollback, so everytime you upgrade and the item breaks, you can just crash the channel.

In reddit there are the probabilities of getting an high upgraded item, kinda weird that only members of this guild had the only +50 items in the server/game I would say, isn’t it?

Actually shocked something was done, IMC delivers for once.

But are you sure that’s the method they used ?

I mean, I’d like to have details about the issue cause it’s good to know that some exploiters have been banned but we still don’t know if all have been, if exploit was easily done and if it is fixed.

What’s the point of banning 5 guys if people can still use the same exploit without anybody knowing ?

Here is the appropriate gif for Sidd:


Huh, channel crashed constatly since this bug was known and only members of this guild had +50 items, kinda suspicious isn’t it?

I can’t assure you if this bug has been fixed tho, probably it is but I don’t really know, never tried by myself and actually gather some druids or rogues to benefit isn’t that easy, not for someone who is in a guild just to have some good time talking or enjoying dungeons.
That guild had been hunting bosses and knew the method to spawn it since the game open it’s gates, so we are not talking about a guild with random members, they knew what they were doing.

what a loadarubbish… Once upon a time you decided to play a game. Agreed on the EULA, found a bug, reports it and not abuse it because you know that will get you in trouble if you do. End of story.

How simple is that. I guess it’s too much for someone who really wants to cheat.


I. Wrote. You. They don’t have druids and rogues and this way is different. Do you understand it?

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Online Juli 15k August 5k

yeah, Juli.
And if you find bug exploit is the common thing, how about a bug that instant kill everything in PVP and you are get rek by that bug in GVG, are you ok with that anyway?

This thread just went from a sleazy 3 to a solid 11

Can’t wait for the Silute ones,may even post translations

GVG time for EU server at 2-4 am. Is not bug? )