Tree of Savior Forum

100% map completion

With the full reset coming up tomorrow for wizards (we will get a rank reset per day), I’d like to take the opportunity to complete the few maps that I couldn’t complete because of unreachable areas. I suppose the Archmage tower dungeon and Deep underground dungeon prison entries are still there, and for these you can’t do anything since they’re not in the game anymore, but there are some that can be completed: Valandis room 91 and Sanctuary.

Question: is Psychokino the way to go? How much to put into Teleport?

I wasn’t able to teleport to Sanctuary’s spot even with lv17 (gem+divine might from a friend) Teleport. I tried in many positions and directions. I’m not sure if I’m just dumb and didn’t do it properly or if it’s impossible now.

Valandis Room 91 is 100% possible with Psycho, I can confirm. Dunno about the Teleport level needed since mine was already maxed.

Edit: if you manage to get 100% in Sanctuary please let me know how you did it, thanks in advance.

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You can do Sanctuary its just kind of random since the distance varies from cast to cast. I did it last reset event we had. Gonna take the time to do Valandis room this time too.

I just maxed teleport, no skill gems or divine might.

Unfortunately this simply doesn’t work. No idea if the skill is bugged or works as intended and is completely dogshit now, but Teleport 15/15 simply moves you a few pixels away from your starting position. There’s no way you can teleport in Sanctuary to the hidden room or anywhere else in the world that is disconnected from your starting position. To be sure, I tested Teleport 100 times near the Psychokino master in Miners Village, and each time the landing position was in LoS of the master.

Roughly looking at the distance you need to enter Sanctuary’s hidden room on the map compared to what the skill gives you, I’d say you’d need level 40+ skill (or distance 500+) to be able to go there. Not feasible in any way…

So is there another way? Another class that gets teleportation? Sage’s Blink would work?

I did this today with Kino3 Lv15 Teleport to 100% complete Sanctuary and Royal Mausoleum 4F… Just spam :arrow_up: and Teleport. :distinguished:

I forgot about the spam… spam… spam… spam… spam… spam… spam… spam… spam… :laughing:
Ok I didn’t use the arrow key, I’ll try that tonight… :wink:

BTW, you need Valandis room 91 too :slight_smile:

Hello @draconis, good morning! o/

Try this:

  1. Move to the red dot and stay there.

  2. Face towards the secret room.

  3. DO NOT hold any arrow or movement keys.

  4. Cast Teleportation Lv.14 (or 15?) or higher.

  5. If you didn’t get there, repeat from 1.

In a summary:
Cast Teleportation Lv.14 or higher from the red dot without holding movement keys. The skill teleports you further if you don’t control the direction of the teleport, this means the destination will be random but allows you to get into the room after a few casts.

It took me 3 Teleportation casts to get inside the room this way.

I hope this helps. o/

Have a great day!

I’m still confused… I’ve tried Teleportation a good 100 times, and clearly the max distance I saw was way shorter than the distance between the red dot and the hidden room, probably less than half that. Or maybe if the landing spot is out of the map, the skill takes the nearest spot than is in bounds, which could be inside the hidden area. As I said, I’ll try more tonight, maybe it was just bad luck on my side…

I think it’s pretty much this, just make sure to not hold the arrow keys at all. No movements while teleporting.

I always had a Kino (but I’ve reset it last reset event, so not anymore). Tried multiple times getting there, gave up, right during the last reset event while people were completing maps I tried again before resetting and a friend told me on a discord server to not hold the direction while teleporting. On the 3rd cast after I went back there I got to the other side, lol.

Fun fact: Not sure if I’m remembering correctly, but I think random teleportation like that used to allow you into the outside part of the TBL arena as well.

I did it too, except that I didn’t use Seiran’s spot but the exact opposite. I know it seems weird since it’s quite far away… but it worked, it’s all that matters \o/
I tried like 2-3 times on the other side, couldn’t do it, so randomly tried the opposite side and it worked right away~
So… just keep trying/spamming, you’ll eventually get in. The sides seem better to get inside though.

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Holysh*t I had no Idea, thanks! I’ll try again today.
Thanks, I did it! :haha:

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Thanks for all the responses, I finally managed to complete these last two maps!

In fact, your character needs to face the direction you want to teleport when casting the skill, not before. I’ve tried many times while facing northeast in Sanctuary without success, because the little animation while casting the skill was turning the char to the south. No idea how the code handles the animation, but once the char was facing northeast during the “teleportation” trigger, it reappeared inside the hidden area.

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Are you using mouse mode? That could be the reason.

If yes, maybe it’s worth a shot for other players:
Try using keyboard mode for this only, it’s just a few minutes.

I used to be an expert on teleportation, but now I might be outdated…

If nothing has changed then imagine a clock running under you and the arrow key sets the time…

Also, random teleport sets the position from above and directional on caster ground level straight

Just did it, thank you so much for this info