Tree of Savior Forum


i don’t rly care about the casual thing, but where the hell did u farm to get that much money? im looking for a good silvergrinding spot

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Nope. You’re so predictable and full of crap. There’s practically nobody complaining about the cost of tokens being too expensive in-game. If anything, people are complaining about why can’t they list their tokens for cheaper.

It’s irksome to me when someone fake as you posts self gratifying crap like this and still plays it off as only doing a service for everyone.

As for the rest of the garbage you posted after your first 3 sentences with content. I don’t even want to bother, it’s all ridiculous banter.

Open your steam window and show everyone just how casual you are. The grind time needed for 12 tokens. fking hue. Take me as a hater lmao

People are going crazy over this.

Let the man be happy, ffs.

Im not jelly, you’re not a casual, ay ay ay ay ay.

Jeezus. Lol.
Its like “This is an attention seeking post, so im gonna give it my attention”

So even if you’re replying once, you’re fulfilling his purpose.

Even if it was an attention seeking post.
You’re giving the attention.

Fail, all of you.


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Yeah, exactly this


Poorest is definitely not a

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Orz you actually play in the office?
I do put 3-5hours too but it’s after I get home & have a walk & dinner & some anime/reading then at 9-10pm I actually start playing @.@

The office wireless would block any game access, even android games :frowning:

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25-35 hrs is not casual buddy.

Lol poorest guy got rekt.

GO LEVEL JEEEEEZ :persevere:

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Casuals don’t play beta’s since they don’t like to invest time in content beeing deleted soon after. (at least for a rpg)

And as you are making similiar threads for a while now it’s just a show off for me.

Bytheway, there are studies saying if you play 3-5 hours on a DAILY basis you are computer addicted and need withdrawel.
It depends on which group you ask what a “casual” is.
(Guess we all need one if you ask not at all playing conservative adults)

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Well, you know enough about the game to give hints and advise here in the forum. I guess not too many casual bother looking up values and even less would go to a forum and write about it.

Sorry if i mistook topics and replies, but i’m sure i saw your Avatar at similar statements / posts. And your avatar is quite unique here. Maybe wasn’t about tokens, but about (you) beeing casual (won’t be more true if you repead it more often) and i guess silver making. I’m too lazy too look up this messy forum. :nerd:

Let me guess… You withdrawel every night for some hours? :sweat_smile:
(or did i use a wrong word here? Sometimes google isn’t your friend…)

I’d say you are… a gamer. (dot)
Maybe add dedicated, at least you’re too noisy/visible for a not-at-all noticed casual. :wink:


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Thanks too for finding the proper word :smiley:

I am dedicated to the cuteness.

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Refer to the fact that I said your English was bad. I wrote I wasn’t addressing the rest of the garbage you wrote in the post and I didn’t.

Your brain is really in the dumpster. You don’t get things both ways throwing shade calling me a hypocrite when you do it even worse. Hey look, there’s even a gif to support whatever misunderstanding you have.

Like, if you want an ad hominem attack that’s totally irrelevant… here goes. You’re a sad worthless person, you have a low income job that you can’t even afford to buy cheap little dlcs. You obviously rather play an online game than spend time with your wife and kids which obviously means your wife is ugly and your kid having your genes must be stupid like you. Or maybe he’s not your kid and you got cuckold into raising him so that’s why you rather play TOS because even your ugly wife cheats on you. Roasts are so easy

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lol casual at those hours? You are playing like 40-50 hours of this game a week. That is definitely not casual.