Tree of Savior Forum

YOU CHOOSE! Community Driven Character

Last bumb before the next stage.
Today is gonna be the last day before i move on with the votes we have so far.

So if you want to join in, leave a reply with the Class Advancement youd like to see and the Stats i should focus on.
Cant wait for tomorrow to move on with this character :slight_smile:

Make Nishimiya Shouko archer build with pistol.

Why would he make a handicap char? wtf

Think you guys are missing the whole point of this lol :smiley:

Archer with Ranger advancement, and I would really like Hunter later.

Thread has been updated with the new Stage of the YOU CHOOSE! community driven series!
Hope you guys enjoy it and if you want to join in, dont forget to vote for the next Advancement! (clique here)

About the stats it could use the voting method too, each vote = a stat point or just using the proportion of the votes.

Too bad that Ranger didn’t win, I hope that Hunter will be the next picked.

Thats kinda what i went with, instead of just picking one, since it was so well rounded i just wen with a 2str 1con 2 dex ratio :slight_smile:

That way everyone should be happy, if there had been a majority i would of gone with that instead.
I hope Hunter goes trough as well, never played one and seems really fun :smiley:

go team archer 3! haha
i have no idea on archer class but goodluck!

I’ll make it work, havent played Archer much myself but dosent seem too overly complex so think ill be fine :smiley:

Bump for vooooooooootes!

Another day another Biscuit… My way of life.

Also, keep up the votes! couple more days and i’ll be moving on to the next stage!

Go go Team Hunter C1!!!

Go Team Hunter C1!!!

When exactly will the voting end?


Either tomorrow or the day after depending on what im working on, but i wont leave it more then that, we already have plenty of votes to continue :smiley:

So if you guys want to vote, now is your last chance!!

Hunter3Falco3 we can make it forums.

vote for Ranger C1, quick search on the builds. I wanna see how wugushi and mergen works if in the future these class got selected.:smiley:

I want to see how rogue works. It’s pretty much the hardcore mode of this game. Lots of falconer 3, mergen, musk, wugushi, and sr at the moment. I want to see something different

Rank 5 voting is too far though. kek

Team rogue we can make it.


Rank 5 will come sooner then you think :slight_smile:
I tend to speed my way trough rank 6 and since theres a lot more people joining in, ill do these episodes more often :slight_smile:

I would of done it today but iv been working all day on the Corsair guide, its been promised for a while now so i wanted to get it out there, only other thing i really want to work on is gonna be a complete leveling guide.

So my main focus from now on will be this series and the leveling guide :smiley:

Thread has been updated with the Episode 3 of the YOU CHOOSE! series.
The links in the main thread have been updated as well so you can start your voting!

Sorry for the delay on this one but im gonna be setting a date from now on for the Polls to close.
Poll will be Closing on the 11th of July 2017.

So start voting for the next Class Advancement Now!!