Tree of Savior Forum

Wts>hair 1 with 77phy attack, 9crit rate, 91 crit attck=150 shards

We can trade in klaipeda ch1 near the item merchant if your’re interested

Sorry to spoil you mate but this values are very low to cost 150 shards. If it would have been
Movement speed +1
Aoe Attack Ratio +1
Crit rate +XX

These values are what players are looking for

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my last offer is 130 shards not lower than that pls understand tnx

eh welp im not a hard negotiator so i can see a wall in my situation. sure 100 shards deal if you’re still interested. tnx

hey thank you man appreciate it. i’m too old to react that way so it’s ok.

man he got my hopes up omfg

pm me when you are online cuz im prolly online too by then

My IGN is NathsTan. pls pm me when ur online

Who the heck is cosmodo


who is cosmodo

is that ur alt account @Senyosu

maybe one of my personalities went rogue here

I’ve had this account ever since I’ve started the game. I really do not appreciate you impersonating as me because people are legitimately PMing me in-game about stuff you post.

Please stop this and it’s not very funny.

he got my hopes up omg

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nvm i just sold it for 140 shards zzzz stop impersonating