Tree of Savior Forum

Won't connect to server

It just comes up with connecting to server… then disappears


Took me 30 min to log in guuh …

Fear not, its just that those with a faster ping always comes first taking your seets. Just spam enter and wait.

same problem !!----------------------

I’m experiencing this as well. Disconnected after an event boss and now can’t get back on with a few friends having the same issue.

disconnected and now can’t log in.i clik on enter on any server name.say connecting to server then nothing

nothing here too


same problem, I logged once then got dropped, now this happens and I cant pass the server list

Login doesn’t work for me.

cant enter Orsha~ How abt any1 else?

yep same here, got an error entering a bossfight (bee boss) and now cant login into any server at all!

same problem here. Is it because there is too many people on the server?

they removed the Queue and know the server it’s overpop

Yep me too unable to get back in Orsha unable to log in

dced when party member talked to some totem thing and now cant get back in

i try to connect but it says connecting and nothin happens…

Same problem here!! Took 1 hour to login then dced and now, cant login :angry:

**What is going on … i can’t login to the server ! ? :unamused: **

Same here, no idea what to do… please help us :anguished:

Having the same problem. Only once did i get an error code saying it was having trouble communicating with steam, the rest of the time it just sits and does nothing. Trying to connect to Klaipeda where i have a character already made.

Prior to this i was in game and playing and was dced by the client.

i think everybody is having the same problem… “connecting to server…” and than the window simply disapear