Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard skill selection (Cryo1 Psyco1)

I’m a level 42 Cryomancer/Psycokino and there are choices in skills I’ve regretted and things I’ve discovered. I wish to share with you all some of those things.

First off, if you plan on going away from Wizard, Energy becomes a rather pathetic spell. Level 5 Energy Bolt and Level 1 Ice Bolt often did comparable damage thanks to the ice and stab bonuses. I didn’t grab Quake, but I wish I had. Even if you can only use it once, it probably at least does comparable damage and as a bonus has the Earth element. If you plan on going Wizard 3 or W2>Linker, then Energy Bolt may be worth it. Those or probably the only instances where Sleep is worth it, but I haven’t really gone testing Sleep that much.

Reflect Shield has been a godsend. In my opinion this is the best Wizard skill, out of the initial 5. Not only will it prevent damage, but it will also let you cast uninterrupted during spells that you can’t move on. This will be useful even at later classes. Level 4 last about the duration of the cooldown. I would personally aim for level 5, but I happen to have level 4 and it serves me quite well.

Lethargy is a skill I don’t use but maxed out for some reason. Looking at the traits for it, it sounds like a great ability when used to its full potential.

Moving on to Cryomancer.
Ice Pike is the skill to get. If you hit something up close it will one shot most enemies near your level, and deal major damage to bosses. Ice Bolt is almost entirely inferior, while still better than Energy Bolt.

I have not yet found a good use for Ice Wall. No matter what I try, I look at the instance immediately and think “I just wasted my SP…”. It’s a skill that sounds good in theory but seems to be rarely useful in practice. If you can not only find a good strategy, but also properly implement one, I’d like to hear about it. One thing I’d like to see is to make it so you can drag the mouse to aim the wall. Currently you have to click each tile, or just press and release the key to create your full wall in a straight line.

I spent 4 points into Ice Wall which I regret, which means I only put 1 point into Ice Blast. I don’t know how effective it is at higher levels, but it isn’t super useful at level 1 or 2 (it’s at level 2 thanks to the Ice Rod).

In short, max Ice Pike immediately, go for Ice Bolt next (it has a much kinder cooldown than Ice Pike so it’s worth it). From there I would recommend getting the freeze chance trait for Ice Bolt and maxing Ice Blast. If you end up going Psycokino after Cryo1 I wouldn’t worry about getting the damage traits all that much.


I only have one skill for this so far but it’s by far the most damaging skill I have.

Psychic Pressure let’s you hold the button down, attacking enemies close by until your MP is all gone or you let go if the button, then it will go on cooldown. It uses up about 5% of your SP a second, but the cost actually goes down as you level it up, while the damage also goes up. To give an idea as to how strong this ability can be, I went into a boss fight solo. The boss was 5 levels above me. I applied Reflect Shield, got close and activated Psychic Pressure, and the boss was dead in less than 20 seconds, while I still had half my SP left and took zero damage.

I tested Psychic Pressure in earlier boss fights helping lower level players, and I met minimal success. Of course I was OP, but the bosses simply didn’t die as quickly. My guess is that the bosses HP scales based on the party makeup.

I intend to max Psychic Pressure first, then likely put a point into Teleport and Swap. I’ll likely max Telekinesis and leave Teleport at level 1.

I’m aiming for Chronomancer and so I don’t believe I’ll be getting many more opportunities to gain powerful boss killing abilities.

For Icewall: whack the wall with a melee weapon, or a staff (or use psychic pressure)

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Hi there, I will quote some parts of the feedback I made a few days back, based on my experience from kCBT. You will see that most of what you said I also felt the same way.

I cut half or more of it. If you feel like reading the enteri thing, it’s here: Satoru’s Feedback on KRCBT3:

Basically, yes.
Energy Bolt is trash past level 1, as well as Earthquack. Ice Blast is not worth even a point.

As the guy above me said, Ice Wall can still be used with Psychic Pressure, just stand next to it and cast. You will see 9 “ice shots” flying in the direction you are looking. This will make you kill bosses even faster. :wink:

Sadly, even with some flaws (range and easily canceled) Pressure can be considered the only skill Psycho has. Teleport and Swap doesn’t seem to be of any help in PvE, and Telekinesis really needs some buffs. :frowning:

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That’s some valuable insight. I didn’t know that about Ice Wall and I’m beginning to think it’s worth it now (so long as I can properly implement it). I hadn’t known that about skill damage though, that’s a shame really. It does help me figure out how many points I need to put into things though.

Have you guys watch that Steparu video of him in grinding mode while using skill combo of Cryo and Psyco? Seems pretty OP for me. Using ice wall to surround him like a fortress then immediately swap him with the boss and using Psychic Pressure to the wall and also to the boss for the final kill. He kill the boss really really fast.

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I think that would be a useful boss strategy, but maybe they updated it or something, now bosses simply walk over the ice wall.

I would highly advise against leaving Teleport at 1. It’s range is sooo bad that you literally can outrun it.

Nice to know I’m not the only Cry+Psy.

Steparu videos with Cryo + Psycho were from CBT2, where IMC said afterwards they would gonna nerf it, and did.

It is still a good combo tho, just not as OP.

Also, it’s good to see some Psychos here. It seems to be an underrated class on KR, since I never saw one while grinding or on streams.

The same for Necromancers. Everyone just keep their previous circles or go to Alchemist…

I’ve tried the ice wall projectile tactic and I think it works rather well. Combining it with Psychic Pressure deals quite a bit of damage. You can also activate the ice wall projectiles with the staff ‘C’ key attack, which is also rather effective.

since this was wya back in august, I do hope you’re opinion has changed regarding Cryo Psyco ever since. Buit if anyone else like me ends up stumbling on to this thread like I did, there are some things that has be clarified.

  1. Icewall does suck on it’s own. If you’re a new player I would understand why you would not put a single point in it knowing nothing about the game. I had maxed bolt, pike and blast and I regret is ever since.
    Again, Icewall sucks on it’s own, but, had I known Icewall + PP = 2/3 of boss’s hp, then I would have maxed it instead of Ice blast. Just watch any cryo psycho video on you tube, and you’ll see what I meant. You can also utilize it on mobs, but you would have to be in perfect position so the mobs won’t reach you when you start to PP. But that all get’s fixed when(if) you cryo 3 or psycho 3 with either frost pillar or gravity pole.
    Last thing about IW, you don’t even have to max it. I know every one says that you get more shards the more walls you get, but the ice wall lay out mechanic can get tedious sometimes and I don’t have time to make shapes with a boss/mob/player coming at me and want to hit my face. Level 7 seams to be enough to either, wall my self in, make a 2 x 4 wall, or make a strait and start PPing. If it was easier to lay out a wall, maybe, but so far, I don see a necessity to make it higher than 7.

  2. Psycho is just a utility tool as far as I have used it. I maxed PP, Maxed teleport (insta escaping boses are the best use of this ability), but telekinesis is clunky. I’d use it more if I could include more monster’s in the bubble, but since it’s a single target and makes me do more stuff than I should, I chose teleport and swap instead.

again, this is for the newer readers that might come across this thread and are curious as to what the guy is talking about. I hope that he’s doing fine with his Psycryo. For cryos, just hang in there until you’re psycho. things get better then on after.

Quite a bit?!? what have you been doing?!?