Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz3>kino2>necro2>X more questions!

Hi guys, I am putting together a PvP necrokino wiz3>kino2>necro2 atm and I have some questions/concerns about necro3 and kino2 instead of linker for leveling.

Necro3 doesn’t offer much for pvp. Flash strike is hard to land, extra minions are not that great.

  • skeleton archers work well in pvp ?
  • corruption is relevant ?
  • lvl 10 vs 15 flesh cannon too much of a loss ?
  • Sage rank8 for blink/missile hole, good idea or not ?

Pve concerns:

  • I traded linker2 for kino2 how hard will it be to hit 330 with this build ?
  • Going full con still the way to go ? I’ve heard new mobs have alot of mdef.
  1. Another meat shield.
  2. With attribute reduces mdef, pdef, atk from weapon to 0. Rank2 status, works always.
  3. Not that much in PvP with transcendence and the new weapons.
  4. Most likely yes. Some strong archers, stun lock cata and some rare mages can still kill you. Link1 for offence, you can cast dirty pole, cast link and use Flash Cannon on pole and then HK right after. Or get Sage1 for defence.
  5. Still playable.
  6. Yes.