Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC ban only gold seller and bot ? (Pq IMC so da ban em gold seller e bot?)

I do not accompany all lists ban but ALL I saw has no sploit user
(Nao acompanho todas as listas de ban, mas todas que vejo nao tem sploiters,)

according to the latest news of the tree of savior , some exploit were banned because they were changing game files , where they are the list with their names?
(de acordo com as ultimas noticias do tree of savior, foram banidos alguns exploit pois estavam alterando arquivos do jogo, onde estao a lista com os nomes deles?)

They just don’t reveal exploiter’s names.

Banning gold spammers might not be a good idea. Because they will always come back and we’ll have to block them again whenever we go to town. They even go as far as whispering you now. Which is annoying. Just work on banning gold farming bots. Players will just block them and ignore them.

Palom, where did you get this information? You could send me the link ?

Some known exploiters (+25+ gear full potential for example) have been banned, their names are not on any list.
I dont know why IMC dont make it public, because it would be good for them, letting us know they really care.

There is no link, but known exploiters have been banned and no announcement was made nor were they included in the lists.

The lists only include the robots for the RMT sites, they do not include any normal human players that occasionally use a bot for farming nor do they include exploiters. But they ARE banning those players. This was discussed here:

Might not be actual bans for exploiters. Perhaps it is either a temp ban, like a 7 day suspension, OR, one of those, accounts frozen till 100% investigated. After which if verified to be exploiting, they will then show up on ban lists?