Tree of Savior Forum

Why do people hate gold buyer?

wow how many people think it this way …

seriously is this a joke

Why would you want to feed another man’s family?

If you dont understand the reason why theyre illegal, and how they excessively spam. THen maybe you should rethink having an opinion.

same reason as why you would want to sleep with another man’s wife

They are using there wallets to pay to get in-game money without supporting the game which causes everyone to lose out including them self when they get banned.

You can pay to get ahead somewhat with selling tokens you buy with real money and support the game while doing so however people choose not even to do this and try to get money from gold sellers which can offer more silver at the risk of being banned because they are greedy.

Only one of those things is fun.

Buying silver with real money is an unfair advantage (cheating), plus bots are competition for real players, and gold sellers clog up the global chat.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Cuz I play a game where my effort counts, not the effort a bunch of 24hr a day working bots do.

Would you like it if someone paid their way to your position at work?
So why would you do the same anywhere else?

You’re all heartless. Think of the kids.

zzz really why are u all making the issue so complicated?

gold buyers promotes gold sellers
gold sellers uses bots to farm for gold
bots spams around the world ksing players
players get annoyed due to poor maintenance of game by company
player quits,company closes down game eventually

so u tell me. why would gold seller be bad?
why shouldnt they be ban?
it’s a cycle that will doom the game .

ppl wont wanna farm for anything and they would just pay the gold sellers for gold to buy it off the market.
who knows maybe a cheap material mightend up becoming a mil a piece cos of the lack of material.

so no thanks to gold seller/buyers/botters

People play with made up characters, they don’t personify themselves.

Want money in game? charge TP, sell token, and all win, thats it.

right now there’re way more female characters than male characters. Which is without a doubt the most unbalance part of this game.

Not everyone feel comfortable around gay people

This is seriously a joke right? If there isn’t a demand no one will supply it. If there isn’t people who think this way then there wouldn’t be gold selling/buying.

Back to topic.

If you have any knowledge of economy (if you don’t should study a bit of it helps a lot with real life), a flood of money into a system is very destructive to the economy. There is a reason why you are only allowed to bring x amount of money into a country. If you bring too much you can effectively destroy their currency.

I mean yes it is their money they wish to spend it but claiming that it doesn’t do any harm is kind of short sighted. It is equivalent to buying a stolen product and claiming it isn’t a problem. Also if they read the TOS I would expect a large paragraph about third party gold selling is illegal

My biggest complaint is seeing the bots SPAM in every channel on klapedia.

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THIS is why we hate gold sellers. You encourage THIS.

Loving your attention span of a sheep but anyway your second point works against you for any crime making your point invalid as it contradicts itself.

When something is considered illegal its illegal to everybody out of fairness so no one can benefit from it just because you don’t like the rules does not give you the soul excuse to brake them just because you believe you should be allowed.

With your logic in mind paedophiles and murderers would be all over the place free to do what they desire.

Bruh, that person’s probably no longer playing (according to their recent activity).

You’re squabbling with a ghost. :ghost:

I used to tell myself that, but I have met so many extremely stupid people through my long internet years…

that I cant say for sure if someone isn’t mentally defective :expressionless:

Necromancer 4th circle confirmed.

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