Tree of Savior Forum

Who's Using a steam link and steam controller with ToS?

I’m considering getting the steam link and controller to play tos with. I was wondering if anyone else is considering the same? Or had any thoughts about it.

i got a made in china controller that cost around 1$ since cbt1

PS4 controller
It is magical. :slight_smile:

I didn’t play the iCBT1 but i will play with a xbox one controller

1v1 me PvP bro

I don’t really like using controllers for RPGs, there are way too many commands for my 360 controller fit.

This is scary. :frowning:

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What they will need to beat us in PVP~ #KeyboardMasterRace !

steam conroller isnt working for me. D: i posted a thread about it in features.

Go here.

The steam controller has been receiving many updates as of late, including a firmware update the other night that made it possible to keep profiles in the controller outside of big screen mode.

Out of the XBOX360, PS2 and third party gamepads I have, I would have to recommend the Steam controller more so than anything else, since you can use the touchpads as a mouse and the insane amount of customization you get with profiles is very difficult to ignore.

Make sure you run steam as administrator (yes, this is actually a thing otherwise your input will be limited to steam)

I’m playing with steam controller, so comfy :3

with the right trackpad acting as mouse and back buttons as right and left click, i don’t need anything else to play n.n

LOLOLOLLOLOL OP controller pls nerf

I know that this post is late, but I made the purchase and everything works as intended :9

Steam Link;
It just works, I’m never leaving my bed again…

Steam Controller:
At first I was disapointed because the controller’s mouse profile wasnt working, but I got it fixed by opening steam “as administrator”.

If you don’t tweak anything, you’ll get the same experience as an xbox360 controller + a mouse on your hands, which is a nice an confortable way to play the game. But the best thing is that you can tweak it to your needs. For instance I transformed the left touch pad into a menu box, from where I can open the maps, or the item menu and do my pet commands without needing to use the mouse mode or making a long weird button combination, it’s just awesome :slight_smile: