Tree of Savior Forum

Who is your favourite ToS Waifu?

@mrshadowccg That EXP card is such a turn on. Forgot to label it NSFW. :dizzy_face:

Loli fencer is best. I’m surprised that there’s only been one person before me who posted this.

Haha Rexipher looks so freakin cool…

Why does this looks like she’s touching herself

Paladin Master is my waif option

goddess lada, anyone?


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I can’t believe no one has ever proposed Rose as a contender for best waifu

probably because shes “covered” :smirk:

Still pretty charming character, so selfless with a kinda sad ending :slight_frown:

Also, she ain’t a hoe

HAUBRE san he is best

Your waifus are inferior when compared to the Linker Master.

Tsundere goddess of the sea is love.
Goddess Jarute

Also short haired girl is love
Goddess Austeja

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@Saharhis is my TOS waifu.

My Top 5 would be:

Chronomancer Master. She’s gorgeous, also, she looks like one of my characters xd. Her face reflects a funny, cool, mature and wise 30 years old lady which you can talk about philosophy for hours. Like it!

Druid Master. An amazingly beatiful young adult that looks like an interesting, smart, funny and mature lady, i loved her the first time i saw her :stuck_out_tongue:

Scout Master. She looks SEXY! very very Sexy, also, her eyes has some mystical attributes that makes her look gorgeous, also she looks like a strong person that is not afraid of danger (Like it!!1!), but her eyes shows a delicated and cute person behind a strong and mortal personality.

Gesti. She looks cute, but her eyes denote pure evil and maquiavelic intentions :stuck_out_tongue:
She looks like a very funny, smart and ambicious lady on early 20s. I really liked her with time, also i love her “horny” (pun intended xd) hail style. LOVE HER!

Goddess Austeja, Goddess of the Bees and destiny.
From among the other Goddess, personally, she’s the most beautifull of them all. The other ones has for sure back problems with those giant boobs (well, not all of them to be fair). The thing is that unlike the others, she’s not over showing her boobs to look sexy (actually i feel tired of this game industry cliche of showing young girls with watermelon boobs); she looks sexy the way she is and dress (i love a lot her outfit with lithuan/roman mithology style). But what makes her more sexier than the other goddess, IMO, is that beautiful face that reflects a very serious person, intelligent and mature person which you can talk about philosophy and social and universal problems for hours and hours, getting deep into meta-physic things, analyzing things of the life, mysteries of the universe, yada yada yada. I can even make a poem about her :smile:. Ah… i’m really in love with her. Besides of everything i mentioned, she’s very important IMO, unlike others opinion. Why? because she’s the goddess of the bees, if it wasn’t for the bees, then there would be no life. Also she’s a destiny goddess, like Laima, a reason that, IMO, makes her more important than people think she is.

That’s is.

Interesting that nobody has ever mentioned this Goddess.

I really feel sorry for her suffering :frowning:

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for me… featherfoot master is the best

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This one reminds me a friend of mine, it looks almost like her; young face, big boobs, great curves and body, yeap…

She’s cute, i have to admit that but… i don’t want her as a waifu but as a friend :stuck_out_tongue: