I just got to the site after a day of work and man the light I set my monitor brightness to 60% due to some games forcing a darker screen layout same goes for the old tos site format that makes me want to look twice. Now it makes me cover my eyes from time to time
Omg…you guys are too too funny
i agree but it would really help if you guys would change the white background to something less painful to our eyes … cant skim through the forums now without my sunglasses on., seriously
Real talk though, please add an option to change the background colour. My neet eyes in my dark dungeon cant handle this much longer T^T
bright screen consume more electricity->everyone’s power panel become hot->world temperature is rising->arctic iceberg is melting->global warming
edit: after reading https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-black-is/ i change my analogy
bright screen hurting our eyes->we need to go see doctor using any kind of gasoline transport->increase in regional fuel consumption-world temperature is rising->arctic iceberg is melting->global warming
Don’t worry! The message is loud and clear. I will make sure to pass it on.
Man this is so bright I can’t see the chocolate cake I’m digging my fork into.
Thank you very much =)
@STAFF_Letitia I have no words for your web designers, my expressions says it all…
(Thanks @LunarRabbit for this neat gif)
Meanwhile I bring you guys the world of darkness…
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