Tree of Savior Forum

When it's time to stop, you should stop

In my 4000 hours of active play, I have amassed roughly 12 Golden Anvils, tops.

Is there someplace those things drop more often at? :disappointed_relieved:

Well, I did workers lodge with Warlock when I was the 1st person to do it. Got over 200 goldens. Can’t do that cheese anymore, though. Since people were being babies over powerlevelling alts.


Should’ve really hopped on that Elememe train (only ever had Alch3 and Enchanter).

Grats on the overups though, I was only aiming for +13 TBH, it went downhill from there :stuck_out_tongue:

hi randyBK

“takes a bit of luck (diamond anvils)”

@DIMeowglo I always told how this SYSTEM of Enhancement was just HORRIBLE, completely based on LUCK with no meritocracy whatsoever, and punish players in the end, because you always end up having to use Golden Anvils, that are not only expensive, as can make your work retreat.

But you know why I’m telling this?
Tree of Savior got out of this mistakes safely because there was no competitor.
But until Middle 2018 there are at least 2 New MMORPG that everybody on the social MMORPG community sites talks that will be the “substitute of Tree of Savior” or “what Tree of Savior should be”, I see that on videos, blogs, Facebook.
(I will not put the name of them here, it does not about publish them, it about shows the truth).

And the truth is: Or IMC get Ride of bad design fast (Game level design, not graphics), or this other games will crush Tree of Savior until the second quarter of 2018.


You mean Lost Ark and Lineage Eternal?

The former hasn’t had any major update since about a year ago(?) while the latter turn out to be this weird “multi-hero/swapping” game that didn’t quite feel right for me.

You are correct that ToS pretty much stands unopposed in its own niche genre, which is probably why I haven’t jumped ship, that and I have genuine enjoyable moments here (played 4k+ hours actively after all).

I still login to fish (need those free awake stones for when I return) and handle the sales of my items though :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m waiting next anvils gacha so people can flood the market with diamond anvils xD

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I never get to pass from lv 10, and there are people with weapons 20+, you know what is the probability to reach these levels? Is = 1,910^(-4)%

And there are people who thinks they got it in a legit way q.q

I suggest every people to stop playing tos, this company is liar, incompetent, and only cares about the money
 it will be a complete p2w game in months.

My crossbro and my skull smasher did not have diamonds on them :o

U seem to know a lot 'bout math

Suddenly, +13 and +17 weapon upgrade deeds appear in gacha after 2 weeks. /jk :haha:

On topic, I’ve been through the same situation where my rage takes over and I empty my team storage of silver. I guess it’s just worth it to use Diamond Anvils on Practonium weapons when trying to get past +11 (if you’re lucky enough to get to that level in the first place). For endgame armor and accessories, +7.

It can always be worse.

I’m remaking this atrocity.



Reading this thread kinda confirms my hunch.

My Aspana reached +12 with 1 pot loss after I crafted it. Like many I was like, “oh wow that was easy. Let’s go for +15”

To cut the story short. I came to a point my Aspana was +6 with 0 pot.

I thought of doing another Aspana but this one will be wasted and I would lose too much.

My suggestion for us all is to run all our toons on this Master’s event.

Even if I am wrong, I think beyond +11/+12 has a bugged enhancement rate or somewhat

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i feel like there’s a rubber band effect. stretching it the first time can feel easy, and its possible to go back one or two slots and go back up to the rubber band’s limit. once that threshold is reached, it flings back with bad odds against you.

for example the database says the chance plateaus at 51%, but why doesnt the weapon stay at and average of +11(+/-1) and instead go all the way back to +5 or 6?

It took me 3 pistols to reach where I am :frowning:

I am not hardcore player so I want to keep mine

It’s not as if there is content I have to really be uber stronk for anyway

Contented with mine, will push slowly to atleast +13 in due time :slight_smile:

Try your luck on this one.

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While this is abit different story, albeit still relevant to title, I’ll also share mine :grinning:

Yesterday, I got a golden anvil and I thought "cool. It’s time to try again my +12 skull smasher pot 0"
But I got it on my doppel having +18 Two handed Migantis sword TC 5 pot 0. and I didn’t realize it cannot be trade to team storage
SO I just “whatever, then I’ll anvil this sword” then it failed
 and went back to +10.
I was so confused and went derp face until I ask my Guildmates they said “ouch it hurts but it IS like that” and shown me it displayed on description

While it is my mistake for not reading it properly, at least I am really glad I know before I did it to my Skull Smasher AND JUST a blue HG weapon(It still hurts to dismantle my weapon though)

welp. Mind blowing but I learned something teehee :stuck_out_tongue:
Edit 1: By the way, the anvil failure penalty is quite severe and I DO think as well it’s too cruel for a punishment. I am just glad thank f**k that 90% blessed return is very acceptable unlike pre combat patch dismantle

The bad thing about the upgrading system is that it’s so effective.
+11 is equal to trans 4 and +16 is equal to trans 6 in terms of power on e.g. Skull Smasher (less on 2handed weapons obviously).
So the goal is obviously to hit +14 - +16 on a weapon,simply because it’s so much more cost effective (transcending from stage 7 onwards costs way too many gems, it goes up from 102 total to 256 gems total for just 60% more attack on Skull Smasher e.g.).

The cost for the additional gems alone would be around 215m that in turn could buy you 3 Skull Smashers in materials (or more,depending on the material prices), which might be enough to roll that +16 Skull Smasher that can cover the 60% with sheer upgrade power in comparison to +11.

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why dismantle tho? i bet you dismantle the failed migantis sword?