Tree of Savior Forum

...when can we purchase TP?

You don’t even get a discount for buying more than 100 TP at a time…?

Why even have 200 and 300 increments if you can just buy 2x or 3x 100 for the exact same price?

I hope IMC has a better system. And the beginner’s pack isn’t $20.

1; we don’t know what the pricing will be over here yet. there may or may not be “bulk discounts”… but probably not.

2; if no discounts what’s the point? convenience. rather than going through the checkout 5x, you can get just as much in a single purchase.
…on that note, be aware that they’ve said the bundles here will be 100 /300 /500… so already it’s different than kTOS.

3; how do you know it’s not? at least for the NA region, that seems like a not-too-unreasonable price. (i wouldn’t be too surprised to see $25 even, but not much more than that – the whole point of the bundles is to get a bunch of stuff at a big discount to get people in.)
…additionally, these prices will (probably) be going back to a regional pricing model, based on the region they are being purchased for. like the founders’ packs originally were, before that turned into a massive exploit issue.

They said 100 TP would be $9 a while ago, but nothing on the actual pricing for the bundles, and the beginner pack still isn’t up on Steam either.

Depends how their shop works. If there’s no discount for 300 or 500, then buying a token for 198 would be best with 2x100 so you don’t waste any. If they let you put multiples in your cart, it would also be as easy as typing in “2” so it’s not even more convenient to pay for 300 since you still checkout once.

As for the beginner pack… I’m just hoping it’s not $20, cause it’s just full of garbage. You get 190 TP, half a token (198/2=99), EXP (45), revives (32+5x4=52), megaphones (8+5=13), warps (16+10=26), pots (???), so 425+ total TP if you bought exactly what’s in the pack, although that would be a poor use of TP indeed. That translates to $38.25, but absolutely nobody would pay that price since only 190+99 TP ($17+$9) is something everyone would want. At least some of the stuff in the bundle is of no use to somebody, plus most of it can be obtained with Free TP anyway (or in bundles of 10 for cheaper). Really all of that should be considered as bonus.

Compared to Founder’s Pack #2, which had 380TP and a 30d token (198) that amounts to $52 normally yet costs $30, the Beginner pack should be between $15 ($26 normal value) and $22 ($38). Anything more would be a complete ripoff.

the TP alone would be worth almost $20. “paying for what you get” is the exact opposite of a rip-off. if you somehow can’t think of a use for a bunch of convenient extras, i can’t imagine what game you’ve been playing then, because it isn’t the game the rest of us play :stuck_out_tongue:

that said, if they want to charge us -less- than a fair value, i can’t imagine anyone complaining about it… i’m only saying that $20-25 would be a reasonable and fair price.

Except the event token isn’t even worth half of a real token because it can’t be traded.

If it’s $25 you’d be better off buying $25 worth of TP instead. And anyone who bought a founder’s pack would have absolutely no use for it.

ok so assuming $25…

you get 325 TP (equivalent), plus a half-token, plus potions…
but you feel that 275ish TP, with nothing else, is a better deal.

-shrugs- i guess if you never use revives, megaphones, warps, etc… then maybe it’s a better deal.

if it turns out to be a $20 price tag (or cheaper), i’ll call you crazy because the TP alone costs nearly that much.
if they put it up at $30, i’ll call THEM crazy, because then it’s definitely not worth it; 330 TP partially pre-spent just isn’t as good a deal as 330 TP in your ‘pocket’ to spend as you please.

Absolutely yes.

With 275 TP, you can buy a Token and sell it. Then with the leftovers you can get the same amount of EXP tomes, and then enchant scrolls or something.

With a Beginner’s Pack, you get 15 days of untradable premium time, not enough TP for a Token, and some free stuff anyone else can get just for logging in.

Please imc take my money!

Can we buy TP after maintenance today?

As my token has only 24 hours remaining. >.<

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on Varena they are supposedly 1.5 to 2m also.

the only reason they are so cheap right now is the flood of tokens from all the Founders’ Packs and the tp from the same. they already seem to be crawling back up to the 500k mark again… and it’s only going to get worse.

@kylar.sim if you can afford it, buy one off the marketplace. it will probably be a couple more days before the TP bundles come online. (but i wouldn’t mind if it becomes available later today.)

@UnLuckyCat wow, looks like i was amazingly off base about the prices then.

looks like i’ll be waiting for just straight TP bundles.

$30 USD… just what are they thinking? This is a once-only purchase and it’s practically 1:1 regular price for everything in the bundle! Is the $9 = 100 TP a lie?

At least the veteran pack is slightly more sensible… I mean, it’s still $35, but the Token is tradable so it’s exactly the same as buying one for $18. The 40 scrolls would normally cost you $23 (64x4=256 TP). So if you didn’t want one or the other, the pack is probably not worth it just for instance resets, but it’s not unlikely to want both which would cost $41 together. Not huge savings, and you can’t get fewer than 40 scrolls so some could be wasted after getting 3 enchants on your hats, but might as well I guess?

Or just get two tokens for $36.

eh, buy a new hat, throw your spare enchants on it, and re-sell it.

and those dungeon resets alone will probably make that pack popular.

i really just need some basic TP packs. really not worth buying these bundles if the price is just the same as the individual TP simply added up.

Hm, depending on how much you have left (if any) you might not get anything worth selling. Good thing you can buy TP and get some more!

I just meant like, with pure TP, you could buy 0 or 10 or 40 or 200 enchant scrolls as you use them, but with the pack you’re forced to have exactly 40, whether that’s too much or too little, you have 40 now. So even if it had a good dollar value, it still might not be worth buying.

They really need to add pure TP bundles. The beginner’s pack is only viable if you also have 200 more TP available. That way you can buy two tokens using Free TP. But that’s $48 for two and a half tokens (495 TP), which should be $45 alone. If the 500 TP bundle has any sort of discount, it will kill the pack completely.

Ok IMC so you restricted us from buying bundles since we decided to play in a different region with our friends, but for Pete’s sake at least release the damn TP already! We are tired of waiting, we have been patient enough.