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Does this mean they’ll ban hookers, or only other types of balancing issues?
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When will the game closed?
Hmm… all good points. I think it will be fixed and this will be announced by GMs during this event. I have a good feeling about this…
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Dear IMC Staff,
I would ask why you have to be in game to speak and not just use the forums. Then ask a bunch of questions you’ll never answer legitimately like:
1.)Does all your money go straight to ToS mobile?
2.)When is SA’s server going back to SA?
3.)Do you seriously think your anti hack/bot methods work?
4.)Is there really anyone with coding experience to fix bugs and patch working at IMC?
5.)Plan on ever hiring a real support team?
6.)How long before you announce the server shut down?
But alas I’ll never reinstall this game again.
Sincerely, the guy you milked $150 from a founder and tester.
When is my MIKO coming
I have quite a number of questions to ask though. @STAFF_Max here are some of them for the GMs to better prepare for the Q&A session.
With ToS Mobile remake coming, the player community is worried that ToS PC will have their dev resources shifted to the new platform IP. What is your company’s stance and plans for ToS PC?
Any plans to share the upcoming roadmap for ToS PC in general, in bid to reassure the player community that the IP will get continual updates and content patches while the company is focusing on the new ToS Mobile?
It has been a few months since we last heard about game optimisation and its 7% performance improvement. Is there any new updates on multi-core utilization and any ETA on it?
There has been many instances of lag and game freezes over the past couple of weeks, even with a low population of 4-5k players across 5 servers. What are your plans on resolving this as the community do view lag as one of the make or break factors of a quality MMO?
There has been talks about revising how stats like STR, INT and SPR function in the game. How are these revisions coming along and any previews to reveal to the community?
The developer’s blog on the official website is under-utilised. It can be used weekly to show off new concepts, upcoming balance revisions or even talk about brainstorming sessions on overall game improvement. Any plans to re-employ this aspect of the website to bring more information and hype to the community?
Depend on how “smart” one is, what i mean is, GM can only ban and move people around, they are limited, they don’t fix bugs, unless some are in the dev team.
Just words and no result mean nothing right? Its what the game devs are showing, no results, only words.
As for the place to go, i would suggest an empty area away from where players go.
West Siualav Woods Secret Area (only who got Seal of Time can get in there anyway).
when is agni necklace coming? Are there going to be Ice type and lightning type necklaces coming?
How to dps with wizard? what was the main goal of adding wizard class to the game?
On my end, internet lag has become more stable and not as ■■■■■■ as it was before, but are there any intentions for improvements?
I doubt anynone of the mains concerns will be answered by GMs, way I see it they’re just working under the CS department as community managers and have no idea themselves when will ‘x’ arrive or ‘y’ fixed.
IMO, this GM meet-up is nothing but a hush event to lessen community flames and make it look like IMC cares.
7 Will the p2w gacha come and kill the game once and for all
Should people use elementary school English so the GMs can understand what they’re being asked?
THIS. Pretty much this.
this whole GM meeting is stupid as hell…
They know what we are gonna ask( SA server / Miko /General Fixes/ ktos patches) …
and we know they will “bot answer” us with something lazy like "We are looking forward to it,keep playing and buying TP,
my question will be, why the fu ck i have to wait day after day to open a box every 24 hrs to get my a practonium to craft my weapon, what type of torture is this … IMC you think this is fun for players? you think games are to get fustrated every day because my character progress depends of a gacha box ??
When will silute come back to sa?
Dude, that’s what ToS does, from the start until the endgame. When your frustration becomes higher it evolves to the hue state.
Ask them why they make an in game event out of something done every week/month in the Q&A post which skirts around every issue ever. It’s like being a bug drawn into the false light of hope then getting zapped.