Tree of Savior Forum

What is better for Shinobi?

I am building the following build:

But I’m thinking if a Shinobi/Fencer is viable/better than actual build.

Can someone help me? Thx!

Looks ok but I’d replace Peltasta with Sword3. Having only 5 seconds of downtime on Pain Barrier is just too good and you can totally get by just fine without Swash Buckling. Plus you’ll get Double Slash for your clones. Get lvl1 Thrust for your clones, it’s half decent with attributes, especially on leather armor, and you need lvl3 Gung Ho to get the attribute. Don’t worry too much about maxing Concentrate, it’s far from being important and if you go C3 you’ll need points for Double Slash, Restrain, and Pain Barrier.

That build seems to almost force you into Dragoon2 at rank 9, which is good for your Shinobi but who knows how crazy strong the new rank 9 classes or Dragoon3 is going to be so proceed with caution.

I think you will lose too much at being Dragoon 1 at rank 8, when rank 8 classes bring some insane damage spike. If you pretend to take the risk, I agree with @Stormrider sugestion, Sword 3 over Pelta 1.

My sugestion is associate Shinobi with Murmillo:

Examples (may vary between PvE/PvP orientation):
Sword - Pelt - Hoplite 3 - Corsair - Shinobi - Murmillo
Sword 3 - Hoplite 2 - Corsair - Shinobi - Murmillo
Sword 2 - Pelt - Hoplite 2 - Corsair - Shinobi - Murmillo

Bunshin associated with Murmillo’s Casis Crista buffed early rank skills can bring a lot of burst damage to the table and gives some PvP potencial to your build if Corsair is presented also.

But Cassis Crista enhances mostly Peltasta and Rodelero Skills. Meta build for a Shinobi-Murm is SW-Pelt2-Rod3-Shinobi-Murm, utilizing every strike buff/debuff available and using Bunshin burst to deal damage. It requires really heavy investment on skill attribute.

But this is mostly for PvE build, if OP is interested in PvP, yes he may require Corsair for Iron Hook. In any case, this is build requires some time to setup and may not be viable for PvP.

If OP wants HopShinobi, he can still go Murmillo it’s still viable(tho not optimal)

Hop2-3’s SynchroThrust can also be a monster tho.
-2overheats 15sec cd
-can be copied by bunshins
-Strike damage=[Shield def*5]
-Pierce damage can be increased by SpearLunge and Pierce attr.
-280% damage increase when wearing Murmillo helmet