Tree of Savior Forum

What do we need to be a good game again

All they would need to do this is nerf transcendence again and make it boost the damage/defense on equipment slots instead of the items themselves. Stage 5 at +100% is good enough, doubling the damage/defense is fine. Tripling it is still too much, and the time investment is astronomical and boring.

Also cap upgrades at +16.

If they do this, they can remove the arbitrary nerfs to damage in TBL, and actually balance their game.

I think most of the community has given up on IMC actually fixing the terrible net code in their game. If they do anything I will be pleasantly surprised.


Yes, I’m missing the :seek: emote here


we need Quality shitposts

  • better monster A.I. (more randomness, not like now where you can just aggro them and massacre them)

  • more tough monsters that give more $/EXP/better items so that single target Classes have a purpose to exist

  • stronger monsters (that hit for several thousands per attack) so that you actually have to evade to survive, even if you’re not mobbed

  • cooler and more useful companions (monster tamer event is going in the right direction imo)

  • more random events on maps (even without prizes for participation); it would be cool to be ambushed by a large number of monsters/boss monsters once in a while

  • actual 3D gameplay, it sucks that you can’t jump down certain spots of maps, can’t jump-evade earth quakes or caltrops, can’t jump over fire wall or ice wall,etc.

  • make stamina useful again

  • balance all Ranks in every tree to have similar damage capabilities; additional damage from skills can be traded for support skills, but it shouldn’t be that one attack skill of Class 1 is stronger than 2 or 3 attack skills together of Class 2 if both are at the same Rank (as it excludes several builds/Classes from actively partaking in new content)

  • introduce a new mode/dungeon/etc where you have to survive instead of mindlessly kill everything on sight to make survival-based Classes/skills useful in the game

  • make monsters use more player skills/give monsters more than 2-3 active skills to make battles more random/interesting;

  • let monsters spawn freely around maps randomly in addition to the regular spawns to have more random effects

  • actually use holy property and psychokinesis property for monsters, create more ice property monsters, try to balance the monster races better (over 2/3 of all monsters are beast or devil type), add more ghost armor monsters

  • introduce ghost armor for players to make PVP more interesting


Tree of Savior: A realm reborn

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I tell you what we need.

THE ■■■■■■■ UPDATES THAT ARE MONTHS LATE. What’s the point of playing a game where the only fun comes every 3 months and lasts 1 week? Even if new players show up, what’s going to make them stay?

Nekorin should work for IMC, that way the game can be good again. :satisfaction:


PK system? Wherein there are certain maps that you can kill everyone (players). Before entering the map you will be notified that the area is dangerous. You’ll have invulnerability buff for like 10-30secs once you enter the map to prepare for PK (after the loading screen to give breathing space). You will toggle PK mode tho.

Entering PK Mode, will allow other players to kill you, and kill each other. Once a player is defeated, one (1) random item will drop from the player killed, enough kills (maybe like 10+) will grant the killer a “Killer” status, which will be uplifted upon doing plenty of quests/missions. It will be also a good ground for Guilds looking for random GVG. Resurrection is allowed, but Revive and Soul Crystals are not.

Killer status: Killers will have their names in red, lower silver and item drop rate; No experience gain and reduced movements speed (maybe like -5 to -10ms) and some Token benefits are removed.

There will be post in Notice Board in Klaipeda OR Achievement Journal (New Tab) about the Serial Killers and their bounties (Bounties maybe EXP/EXP cards and silvers or random chest items). You can only attack killers in fields (outside Towns). Enough kills (1000+) will give you an achievement +costumes as other rewards.

PS: Dont mind me guys, its total random.

Autocraft dont repair 1!!! F YEAR!

I will say the things that must be changed in order of importance

1-performance optimization
2-fix bugs
3-add new and interesting end game content
4-items in cash shop that can be bought directly, without gambling
5-balancement in pvp, equips shouldn’t create a big gap between players
6-new pets
7-variety of items


Hope everyone’s doing well.

In my last-ditch effort to contribute something to this game (I’ll just quote what has already been suggested that I agree with):

Also, the supposedly incoming revamped GvG.

Party duel (any map, initiated/accepted by party leaders only). Guild duel (open-pvp between two guilds on any non-city maps, initiated/accepted by guild masters only).

Hell, even just one questless, open-PVP map.

^ This. Events are acceptable, but they’re mostly reskinned versions of previous events with a little twist. There were a few that hit the mark (I thought weed event was fun), but they are not without issues.

More challenging maps, dungeons and mobs would be nice which would definitely also require some balancing in other aspects (skills, gear scaling, etc.). Right now, full CON + uber gear can just faceroll nearly if not all content.

There were also suggestions for introducing time attack modes for dungeons to make repeats more enjoyable.

^ these. Better “diminishing returns” implementation on gear scaling/dependence.

Everything @Nekorin said.

^ This. Professions. Housing. Improvements for RP-ing would be greatly appreciated.

There are improvements already, but I agree more is definitely needed. Bossing is a stutterfest already with 30+ people on screen casting skills and all, I can just imagine how awful the revamped GvG would be.

Fix the disparity between penblock/blocking and accuracy/evading mechanics. Boost evasion perhaps because blocking is so good already?

Also, taming bonuses for Hunters. #MakeHunterGreatAgain

This guy gets it.

I hated this issue so much. Sometimes it works, sometimes it f*cks up.

R9. More Circle3 costumes. More classes. More balancing. More proactive approaches against abusers (hackers, botters, exploiters, etc.). Less gacha. Less ninja-bugs.

R9 and free reset will probably make me (and others like me) come back from hiatus, but we would need more reasons to stay after that. Hopefully with R9 comes most of what has been suggested above, or even a lot of new players - after reaching the same point as us - will eventually leave for the same reasons.


you think its a joke response, but most people think tos/imc is indeed a joke. why else would the population crash so hard? big big disappointment

#3 is not possible without fixing #1, a task they have seemed to give up.

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I guess what are they doing to improve tos right now is

  1. Recycle events
  2. Repeat get ahead
  3. Make new gacha
    xx. Release r9

It seems they are just buying time, i can’t see any other reason in recycling these events without putting much effort

make this game have E-sport

no way. PVP is waaaay toooo faaaaar from balanced

We need the 4v4 TBL not 3v3.Every team have 1 swordsman,1 archer,1cleric and 1 wizard.

I still think IMC needs to hammer down on bugs and optimizations (including balancing). New content is good and all, but so many glaring issues just pours water on anything good. Especially for returning players. They’re only going to focus on issues that had instigated their leaving in the first place.Then they leave again. And they make a bad review on steam. And they start necroing old threads on the forum.


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