Tree of Savior Forum

What build up and how usefull is ORACLE

How usefull is the oracle class. and what build up would
be best for it?. pve oriented right here.

Oracle is ■■■■. Do not pick.

Ok, now with real answers:

Oracle is an underrated class, but it is really powerfull. Why?

Let me explain all his skills:

Arcane Energy: This skills increase SP and Mana. Flat on the first and percentage on the second. But there’s a “hidden ability”, the attribute increase holy damage you do in the enemy.

Change: It’s a skill that change the monster to a different monster and change the level. If you have the attribute leveled you can change the monster to a special monster (gold, silver or blue monster). It’s a really fun skill to use =D

Clairvoyance and Resseting: This skills work together. First see the itens the mob will drop, second change the itens the mob will drop. Very usefull when trying to get a specifig item. Many players remember oracle just for this skills.

Forecast: IF IT WAS NOT FULL BUGGED it would preview the area of the attack of players/monters/boss before attack or skill use. Now it just preview some bosses skills and auto attacks.

Prophecy: A full time prevention of lvl 1 status ailment (most status ailment are this level). Better than PD prevention because it wasn’t nerfed on PVP. Other good choice to status prevention is Pardoner, who has a skill to prevent lvl 2 status ailment.

and now, the skill that many players do not know how it work and is the most op skill oracle have

Counterspell: This is a ■■■■■■■ sphere of NO ■■■■■■■ MAGIC DAMAGE. Yeah. You do not recieve magic damage and people can’t conjure magic damage inside the spherical area of the magic. Just max this ■■■■.
Pardoner has a magic resistence skill too, but is weaker than counterspell, because counterspell nulify damage and pardoner skill increase m.def.

Build who would do good with oracle? Maybe… Every?

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Your path to Oracle yields many and depending how far you want to get into Oracle can determine many things…
If only C1 Oracle
Common paths are Chaplain (meaning C1 Cleric > C3 Priest), C2 Cleric -> C3 Krivis or Diev, then Oracle, then PD/Kabba
There is also C3 Paladin -> Oracle
C2 Oracle on the other hand
You can go the Chaplain route once more, but many prefer C2 Cleric -> C3 Priest for easy support, you also have the C2 Cleric -> C3 Krivis or Diev tree for better and stable DPS.

If you’re going to dedicate yourself only towards PvE, it is better to simply go C2 Oracle path despite its many weakness at the moment. Quite sure C3 Oracle will become a force as with many classes that eventually receive their C3.

im planning on more of a dps/solo/pve type class
i was just wondering how useful the oracle was since . going pd means just more dps/pvp and im out of ideas for end game class

so i think im going cleric 2- krivis 2/3-Oracle.
or cleric 2-kriv-paladin2-oracle

Druid is better for that.

You forgot something important and totally satisfying. [change] can kill bots!!

Oracle is pretty trash atm. It does deserve some skill changes/ buffs.
Clairvoyance is trash.
Resetting is trash.
Arcane energy is trash.
Change is trash.
Forcast is trash.

Prophecy and counterspell is good. Thats 2/6 spells. or 2/3 of your skill points. You’re not losing much, but whats the point in trash skills? It’s not fun.
I suggest clairvoyance/resetting to work on boss cubes with limits.

I went Cleric2(cuz if u dont, everyone hates on u), Diev3, Oracle (dat sexy azz…sexy azz), Kab
2INT:1Con maybe more CON
ill hate u if u copy me exactly.

honestly if i was given a stat reset at 280 i would go 2Con:1Int or maybe cap Int at 100/200/300. but i would start to have trouble soloing.

dont oracle2 unless you are going oracle3. Even then i suggest u wait for r8 release before u ef up 3 ranks (technically 2).

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Oh yeah! 200k mob with 5k damage at lvl 50!

This is false. It does holy damage once to surrounding enemies upon the initial cast.

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By thrash do you mean oracle skills doesnt work properly
or it isnt worth getting because its just meh…

im really a pve oriented person. and my
build up would start at c2(since this is like required) then kriv3?
or paladin 3 with kriv 1 then oracle. or its better to go druid?.

im just curious on the oracle skills because they seem usefull…

[quote=“WorldisMine, post:7, topic:299764”]
Arcane energy is trash.Change is trash.Forcast is trash.
[/quote]arcane energy is pretty decent if you have a class that uses stamina in your party. It’s a good place to put leftover points… also, Change can kill bots and help you level that way, and Forecast’s attribute is pretty good for bossing (5% chance of dmg nullification).

I 100% agree with going Cleric2 though, and with the recommendation of not going Oracle2.

@topic: Oracle is a very very useful class in high-end PvM. Prophecy, arcane Energy and Forecast (w/ attribute) are helpful, but most of all Counterspell is OP. The ways of reducing or nullifying magic dmg from monsters in this game are _very_ few, so magic dmg is the most dangerous in PvM.

However, it is a purely defensive class. It isn’t bad for solo since you get to nullify magic dmg, however it isn’t needed… it is more party-oriented. Cleric2 > Krivis2/3 > Druid2 is better for dps/solo.

im just wondering of the viability of the oracles skills
that affect pve. (change,prophecy etc.) and skills like
jolly roger. and doppel skill(swordsman tree) that increases drop rate etc.

if it is worth getting this class for that id take it but
if it isnt id probably go the druid route since its pve dmg right?.

Change/Clairvoyance/Resetting don’t seem to be very viable at all atm, Change is only good at lv1 for killing bots (because it often spawns dungeon monsters, with several times the normal HP/dmg). There’s detailed information about these three skills in particular in the latest posts of the following thread, like last 20 posts or so:

(Make sure to read the first post too, it’s a guide with great info on the class in general)

But other than that, yes, Prophecy is pretty good, Counterspell is op, and Arcane Energy is helpful if you have party members that use stamina (Monk for example) + the SP is just helpful in general. Note that it’s mostly a support/defense route though, if you want damage you’ll need to get it from your other ranks.

Jolly Roger/Douple Pay Earn are pretty good too, and those actually do work for farming as they're supposed to. If you take one of them, I'd probably go with Doppel2 for the amazing aoe, however Corsair might be better for dungeon farming due to Hexen Dropper's burst dmg.

(I don’t have experience with either of the two, and limited knowledge, so if you want you should probably ask them in the Swordsman section)

hmm… i could do

Cleric 2/Kriv3/Oracle/Druid build…

Cleric2 -> Krivis3 -> Druid
Cleric3 -> Krivis 2 -> Druid

are both very common and nice builds. I would tell you to get Druid before Oracle though, and then at rank 7 you decide if you really want to get Oracle or Druid C2 (which is also great). Getting Druid first will help you with leveling due to extra DPS (DPS classes should always come first).

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