Tree of Savior Forum

WG AuTOS Transportation Service

Too lazy to walk ALL the way to Fedimian? Call the Catacabs! We specialize in low-level player transportation through high level maps. Want to see more of the world without having to run from monsters? Our Cataphracts are built with the highest CON and tank skills to get you safely to your destination.

Catacab provides single person transportation to:
-Walking you to nearby Vakarine Statues (5,000 silver)
-Walking you to a nearby destination (2,000silver/map)

Centulimo (Premium) provides:
-Unlock warp statues for future use (price to be determined)
-Unlock Zemyna statue around the world map (price to be determined)

Free of charge:
-Entertainment and jokes while you wait.

Need to get a group of people to a certain destination? The Centurion Limo services are available at premium prices to get you and your friends to your destination.

WatchGintama Department of Transportation Services will be coming to CBT2!

(Our drivers won’t smack you to the ground. They are licensed to drive on mounts and will safely take you to your destination.)

Our Centurion Limo will take any group, any where!

Coming soon: Dievdirbys Air Transportation


oh wow!! In-game cabbie service!!

i just realized theres no wapportal skill in tos


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lol What if you die from Impaler accidentally? Do you get reimbursed? Also, Trot + Haste + 1v1 PvP + Imapler lol funny idea.

@nekomiko there is somewhat of a warp portal skill. Dievdirbys has this skill to make a warp statue :stuck_out_tongue:

WTF… LMAO!!! :laughing:

oh right
does this skill warp to any place that the skill caster has access to or only warp to places memoed by individual user ?
i guess its the latter? so its just similar to warpportal but not exactly

Probably :smiley: dunno though so you’d probably get better info from a kCBT tester. But since I’d really assume so since it’s the same statue as the normal ones all over the maps.

It allows you to warp to other Goddess Statues you’ve seen. I’m not sure if the skill also saves your previous location like a Warp Scroll does.

Centulimo Premium Transportation now offers Zemyna (Stat bonuses) and Vakarine (warp) statues unlocks!! We will safely take you to each location of Zemyna and Vakarine statues.

But will you entertain me with witty banter and jokes as you transport me?

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Would you include escort services for merchant classes? :smiley: :smiley:

Carve Statue of Vakarine doesn’t save your location like Warp Scrolls do, sadly. :worried:

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This is cool. Do you have to be in a certain guild to apply? XD

Gonna be CataCab driver!

beware we’re not responsible for anything lost or broken during the travel process.

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I plan on making a guild for Taxi drivers someday! :smiley:

[quote=“mapleshifter, post:15, topic:49506, full:true”]
beware we’re not responsible for anything lost or broken during the travel process.
[/quote]Coming soon: TOS Insurance


I like the sound of it :heart_eyes:


LOL… good idea… TOS Insurance!! should work together with transportation service

Haha, nice idea, in RO existed something similar->mages Wapr Portal to citys for X Zeny.