Tree of Savior Forum

Weekly OP Cleric cry thread

yes thats wat im trying to say
aus alone cant win match
it need inq skill to kill opponent
instead op insist aus alone can win match rofl

Yea guys, you are discussing a 2v2 match, try fighting a 5 v 5 invincible guys who can retake ausrine when it has about 5 immunity secs left.

Pro tip: Use alt+z to hit a basic attack without weapon and equip it later, I’m pretty sure you’re crying of r7x but haven’t done anything about it. But hey, thank me later ;D

And just for your information, here we go again, this is a ■■■■■■■ thread stating cleric as the OVERPOWER CLASS, there isn’t any need to discuss and being that stubborn if a whole rank set is more OP than a single skill ffs, eventho we already know about some peeps inteligence lmao

u are so intelligent u didnt know how to play against aus in pvp

Apparently nobody but you knows how to hue

enjoy the buggy pvp now
one or two teammate missing?
no problem… aus will save the day!
but i think u are so suck that u cant even beat lvl 130 diev3
so, goodluck for u!

That’s my last reply for a retard one like you, so blind to see that ausrine isn’t the most op skill in the game discussing in a general OP cleric thread lmao

I really pity you, no offense for real, what a shame.

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oh pls aus is op so much QQ
btw u are kino3sage and u cant even defeat lvl 130 diev3?
too bad, u dunno how to play kino
maybe u should play cleric instead?


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won’t happen , cause IMC care about meta player

More like

why? i buy alot of TP

You’re safe. Buy TP = Paid protection. Like all F2P MMORPGs.



There are f2p where the highest gem is more than 1000 euros while you have 40+gem slots xD

O I know.

The above image displays the gold cost to make a 13.
Mathematically you can easily figure out the price in crystals but I’ll do it for you.

To make a level 13:
16,342,361.9417 gold divided by the current exchange rate of 66 = 247,612 crystals PER level 13 RUNE

In USD: $3,392.28
In EURO: €2476.12

To make FULL SETS of these rune levels, simply multiply by 6.

6 level 11 runes:
In gold: 20,901,412.2402
In USD: $4,961.40
In EURO: €3,621.42

6 level 12 runes:
In gold: 48,493,086.0990
In USD: $10,065.96
In EURO: €7,347.42

6 level 13 runes:
In gold: 98,054,171.6502
In USD: $20,353.68
In EURO: €14,856.72

Fantastic. Much expensive. NI. Also just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to paid max character in game. NI

Allods online , source Theydidthemath

Devs do think twice about perm banning people that spend those amounts of money. Paid protection.


did op figure out how to beat the lvl 130 diev3 yet?
-keep on rolling

All they would have to do is revert Ausrine to the old version pre-buff for TBL only, and the skill would be fine.

That is, two reduced seconds for each charge taken from a given statue (from 20s down to 12s). Alternatively, reducing total damage taken in TBL would reduce the impact Ausrine has in general, since less devastating plays can be made in that time window.

Dievdirbys isn’t the key-winning job that guarantees victory every time. I’ve seen counterplay against it numerous times successfully by smart players (Ice Wall, Energy Blast, Magnetic Force into Raise, Dethrone). People don’t destroy the statue allowing players to take the buff more than once. 20s isn’t so bad to deal against but 40s is another story. You’re seeing a meta where people are rolling Dievdirbys alts as well, and so people learn to chain their Ausrine back-to-back as well, which while not everyone will be able to take the second one a few people may be able to just fine.

All the other trees within the class have fine counterplay as long as there’s some semblance of CC-immunity, or just by avoiding the zone.

Cleric C2 - Dievdirbys C3 - Oracle C1 - Kabbalist C1 - Inquisitor C1 is just an all-encompassing build. Heals, immunities, a damage reflect that is now very threatening since everyone’s damages are particularly high now, and a class that requires no investing to kill a majority of players. This build is fairly poor for PvE that being said but it has all that it needs to kill your average player while resisting most offenses.


Unless it’s not clear: It’s not balance if you can only counter a cleric, with another cleric.


Cleric are not mean to be balanced.
They hold the balance.


well you pretty much proved op’s point

oh sheet, you talkin about Exquise’s Nimrod :astonished: