Tree of Savior Forum

We want free market LESS MARX MORE MISSES

The market is totally inviable

what about alchemists?

what about the commerce at all?

You cant keep all the itens to yourself because the storage is reaaaally small, and you cant sell then all because that takes too much time

And if you stop to think, you cant even give to your friends the itens that they need but you dont because you cant trade.

The system is really bad, please do something about IMC.

My sugestions are to:

-Just 2~3 item per regular player on the market but at least 20 for vip players
-Trade free

  • If trade free is impossible, a vip player then should trade all players even if the traded player are not a vip

I had so much fun in the beta playing on the market, ok, is a little bit abusive, but really fun. Actually, market is a very fun way of play a mmo and you guys are messing that.


just no. we dont Need the RMTs playing the Markets.

Will it totally avoid RMTs? no it wont, as we can see already. But it will make it a whole lot more unattractive for the RMTs. I like the current state.

You can’t be fing serious? You’d rather play a glorified single-player game than deal with RMTs playing the market? I wonder how other games managed to survive just fine until now. I don’t think I can name one game that doesn’t allow p2p trading.

To think that I used to hate soul-bound items, because I considered them paperweight once I got an upgrade, now, I can’t even trade my alts, not properly anyway.


IMC, do you know what MMO means? As it stands right now, ToS is more of a singleplayer game than MMO. Social interactions are limited to the point where even if you pay 18$ a month (which is more than most subscription-based games want), you will run out of 30 monthly trades in a few days, so you can’t trade at all for the remainder of the month.

You can’t queue to dungeons/pvp with friends or guildmates.
You’re giving too much benefits for people who queue solo, making the social aspect of the game completely redundand.

Putting those ridiculous market fees (10% if you use Token, 30% if you don’t) makes it unprofitable for people who like to play the market game. Reselling is pointless now because the profit margin is too small or nonexistant. Having to wait 2 days to retrieve money from sells is pointless, it doesn’t stop goldsellers, and it pisses off the whole community, especially those who like to play the market.

Are you trying to create a glorified solo game, IMC? Get your act together, players aren’t as stupid as you think and will simply leave ToS for another game, that doesn’t impose such ridiculous limitations on them.

It won’t even do that. The Korean servers have these restrictions, including the market caps for prices, and the Silver-sellers continue to plague them. The shouts still spam the servers, and the Silver-seller websites are still finding ways around it (very easily I might add). This has never been truly about stopping the Silver-sellers. It’s a money grab move from NexxonPartnersInc to see how far they can push micro transactions (in the form of cash shops) before players won’t tolerate it anymore. Make a stand.

If a company wants to try out something new to prevent Silver/Gil/Zeny sellers from profiting - great, try it out. But when it fails miserably and the only outcome is irritated player base, admit the mistake, UNDO it, and try something new.

The only people these restrictions are making the game more unattractive too are the honest players who want to enjoy an MMO with friends.

I’ve made a topic about these kind of things in the suggestions, you might want to take a look at it:

We need free trade, RMT is going to run rampant without it or not. Taking away free trade is only going to kill this game and drive more players to play something else.

This is dumb. IF… IF you can’t trade even in the Korean servers (which I’m guessing are ahead of us). WHY are the silver sellers there? Because, you can’t trade anyway right? Am I missing something here? No player to player trading means… They do nothing…

Correct, and they even have the auction house silver limit which is supposed to make it harder for silver sellers. Guess what? It didn’t. There still rampant over there too. And they will continue to be, always.

So the only thing the current system is good for is frustrating the honest players.

This market right now is just straight out stupid.
Dropped a recipe - can’t buy its ingredients. Can’t sell it. Can’t trade it.
Dropped a good item - Really can’t sell it, only one. But i have 20! Fk.
Can’t sell any recipe ingredients guess why :slight_smile: People can’t buy the recipes, people can’t buy the other ingredientes, and who’s gonna be dumn enough to sell ingredients when you can only sell ONE FRIGGIN ITEM?

Oh, got an item thats good for my friend, can’t trade it. Want to buy an item from someone, can’t trade. Oh, im VIP now, trades on guys. Nope, only 30 trades and you’re done.

This market right now is straight out for selling TOKENS and making money. RTM will be RTM and this isn’t stopping it at all. Its probably making it even worse, since some players will need silver, can’t use market, can’t trade, might as well buy it for real money.

Free. The. Market.