Tree of Savior Forum

We have to come up with a better solution to prevent botting

Not getting rid of botters & goldesellers entirely and making legit players suffer is a lose-lose situation, we need a win-win situation.

After trying to create a new character we could first have to go through the history of ToS in the eyes of some important figures. This would be really fun since we get to role-play important figures and roam the settings with them. We would have to complete a lot of task to progress, it’s highly based on exploration, solving puzzles and finding hidden things so it’s non linear. It also would relate to where we start and why we are there when we finish. The way this could be repeatable is by giving us permanent benefits when we start playing our real characters (No restrictions to dungeons, trading, etc) 50hrs for players who know exactly where to go and what to do, 100 to 150hrs blind. Players can bypass this by paying a good amount of cash, or it could work with anyone being able to bypass it but being restricted or severely limited to trading & market (Like we’re now) until they complete it.

Few will put in the time and effort just to get banned. With this we actually beat botters without punishing ourselves.

This can also be done with having to earn trading, dungeons, and the like by completing collections and the adventure journal. The further we get in the game the less restrictions we have until we have none. Later in the games life the truly dedicated goldsellers could buy built accounts from people who quit, but for now this can prevent botters.

The other alternative people have recommended is a subscription exclusive server that has no penalties or restrictions for anything and gets updates a week sooner.




There’s none.

Except having pride and not using bots.

But gold sellers, immature kids and idiots will still ask for them.
Pay for it.
And do it all day ^^.

IMC take on bot counter is laughable… and only hurts themself atm.
Take away market?
-bot users laugh at you
Retrict trade?
-bot users laugh at you
Ban them?
-bot users laugh at you, just gonna reroll.

I personally never liked captchas. They always felt annoying, also can get rid of immersion depending on the task. Although its been a while since I’ve played games with captchas, I’ve grown up since then so this could work if botters don’t make programs to complete the captcha.

Honestly, as long as IMC stops punishing all players for botters existing i’ll be okay with captchas, it all depends on what the captcha is too. If it randomly drops my whole party in some dark unknown zone where we had to clear waves of mobs coming from all directions and got a giant chest as a reward? Yeah, captchas would be a fun way to prevent botters.

With enough ban hammers anything is possible. Its a lot more efficient to bot endgame, people botting all day in the first zones is harmless except for slowing down legit players progression.

Someone who wants to keep they’re char wont bot …
If they’re right in their mind.

But heck.
We saw how well ktos bots did.
Ban hammer waves hit them hard.
Mostly foreigeners with bought accounts that is… if there were 20% bots in these. I would laugh xD.

I choose captcha over bot domination though no matter how annoying.

Captchas are more punishing for legit players than they are for bots. Not to mention that they have to be very complex in order to even stop bots.

In my opinion the best solution would be a simple report system, as in, right click a player and click report. The thing about this solution is that it can’t have any automatic effect on the reported player, no matter how many reports a player gets. Because that will lead to abuse.

Instead it would require dedicated gm’s to check the list of reported players, preferably order by the number of reports, and simply watch the reported player for a few minute to determin if it is probable that the reported player is botting/cheating or whatever. Obviously watching using an invisible character or some seperate method with the same effect.

After watching a player for a minute or two they could then decide to do something like mark the player as suspicious (i.e. watch again at some other time), innocent (remove all reports) or straight up ban.

In order to make it easier for the gm’s I’d recommend building a simple interface. Something like:

The main problem with this solution is that it is time consuming and requires dedicated gm’s who frequently checks reports. And that is expensive, so it might not actually be viable.

ETA: Priority should probably be based on a mix of both the number of reports and the character level. As high leveled bots cause much more damage to the economy and whatnot than someone who is level 7.

Bot Reaper

Is a game mechanism to prevent afk bots farming.
When a player stay too long at the same spawning zone (a zone that will spawn mobs).
A high dmg monster will appear, The Reaper.
The Reaper will only attack player who triggered him with very high damage, likely will kill the player instantly.
Since The Reaper has very low attack speed and move speed, player that’s not Bot can run away from him easily. He will disappear after short amount of time.

This mechanism will eliminated any afk-auto-attack bots. Grinding party should be aware of him.

There my suggestion.