Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock fix is this a nerf or a buff

I kind of hope its a nerf, so that I can make a case for having a different tier 7.

You already can though. The current theurge is basically just an ensurance that getting Warlock isn’t a complete waste if the c2/c3 skills suck. I mean, have you seen sorc’s c3 skills? Yeah.

Got some wishful thinkers in here of course it’s a nerf lol. The real question is where do we put our points now that this skill is, in all likelihood, mediocre by tomorrow?

really hope its not a nerf, that will make warlock 1 pretty garbage.

That’s doubtful, since it would then be considered a skill rebalancing.
There was a bug though, with subzero shield & dark theurge that made it bug out visually this was a new bug on ktos though.

Of coz its most prob gonna be a nerf. And if that happens u cant blame it. Just take a look at how many warlocks there are. And honestly, warlock has already very high scaling due to increase dark prop attk from its attributes, they obviously had to nerf this skill hit count to balance things. And seriously i wont even call it a nerf. Its just finally balancing warlock.

It’s an unneeded nerf if it just made the Warlock not pickable, just like what they did to some swordsman class.

The reason there are this many Warlocks is because there’s not much else you can do at this point after doing wiz3anyclass3. So people pick Warlock1 in hopes that 2 and/or 3 will be good - right now it’s only picked because it’s better than Featherfoot, but that’s not saying much (it also SURELY wouldn’t be if Theurge was 5 hits total, you’re better off going necro1 at this point honestly).

Also the dark prop from attributes is realistically 10%. The other 30% requires you to be standing nearly on top of a sphere made by invocation, which isn’t really workable most of the time and doesn’t happen at all on bosses.

not workable most of the time, but in the scenario which works and then, results in 40% scaling. with that kind of scaling, u can basically reach over 10k a hit on dark theurge (with high enuff attribute + qc 50%) and with 25hits? thats 250k dmg. and that is only a level 5 skill. what happens if wl 2 or 3 is released? lvl 15 skill and 75 hits? thats gonna be more than 1m damage for just a single skill .there is no point in arguing, we will see what happens after the patch.

Any scenario where it works, you basically wouldn’t need it. It’s also 20 hits (50hits at level 16 supposedly), it grows a hit every 2 levels not every level. What happens at wl2 or 3 literally doesn’t matter because you have no idea what other classes will get then, so what are you even comparing it to?

I mean, Carnivory will be 52 hits with druid3 with double Theurge’s base damage, and that’s 1 rank lower.

i will do the maths for u, with full int, bis gears etc and weapon maint.

at level 280 it would be close to 1.6k matk with +7 maga rod/ignition/SRC slotted with 2 lvl 5 gems, counting in basic costume gears with +30-40 matk which basically is only 200k on market currently. + venom/arde whichever, 2x wiz bracelet, animus/max penta.

1.6k matk + 153 fireprop/178 earth prop = 1.75k

dark theurge skill is 1219 base attack = 2970 ish, round it up to 3k.

3k * qc 50% * enchance 75% * 10% warlock attribute = 3000 * 1.5 * 1.75 * 1.1 = 8662.5

dark theurge 25 hits, 25x 8662.5 = 216562.5 dmg.

I didnt count in blessing sacrament buffs or whichever party buffs that can further boost it, neither did i use the 30% that u can obtain from invocation. U may say the gear requirements are high, but at lvl 280, its only a matter of time before u reach that gear.

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your talking about a cleric class, not wizard class. maybe u need to go to cleric forum?

well it doesn’t matter anyway for now. in 2hours time we will know what happens. be it a nerf or fix.

Luckily I will be rank 7 only by today, and I can still pick my rank 7.

Again, level 5 theurge is 20 hits, not 25.

Here’s some more math for you:

Your own 1750 matk.

Frost Cloud is 643 base attack = 2393, round it up to 2.4k.

2.4k * qc 50% * enhance 75% = 2400 * 1.5 * 1.75 = 6300

Frost Cloud 31 hits, 31 x 6300 = 195300.
Dark Theurge 20 hits, 20 x 8662.5 = 173250.

The more you know, huh?

My point in bringing up Carnivory is not to say Carnivory or Cleric are out of line, but it’s basically the closest skill you can find to compare against: They’re only 1 rank apart, single target, similar cooldowns, scaling number of hits with levels that hit on about the same interval.

so lets light up another candle comrade warlocks and join my incantation

:ghost: “let dark theurge be buffed please - we want one hit per spirit per skill level”
:ghost: “give us a bigger pole to destroy our enemies”
:ghost: “have mercy on us and give us usefull c2&c3 skills”
:ghost: “make the evocation-buff work properly”

…if you know what i mean :wink:

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and now ur comparing a ele 3 to a warlock 1, then again i already mentioned, warlock 2-3 already had more hits? so how about using ur own 50 hits 50x 8662.5 = 433125?

frost cloud can only be capped at 5 levels, because its already the maxed out skill of elementalist, there will never be ele 4 or ele5. and btw, incase you forget, frost cloud also had the pain of not being able to hit air units. which kinda limit its uses in some case. being the final skill of a class, if it doesn’t have any decent power, it will be obsolete when future ranks or classes are uncapped

What do you want me to compare it against?

And yeah, isn’t it wonderful that a monster gemmed rank 9 single target skill can surpass the damage of a rank 6 AoE one? :wink:

and btw, i never said warlock needed to be nerf to 5hits, the rightful amount i believe would be 10hits or 15 hits at most. personally i prefer 10. i agree it needed nerf because at 20-25 hits its too much. :slight_smile: