Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock Drain Bug

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Server Name: Telsiai

Team Name: Nekorin

Character Name: Rimnerel

Bug Description :
Warlock’s Drain bonus 10% bonus damage per spirit absorbed increases all spell types instead of Dark type spells only.

i can confirm i tested it too. drain is affecting other spells damage. increasing it

Hello Nekorin,

Kindly send a support ticket for further assistance regarding to this matter.

Thanks GM Francis, I’ve sent a support ticket.

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It affects all elements, but most of them are not at +10% damage per skill lvl.

I noticed only Dark and Fire elements get the +10% damage per skill lvl, other elements get much lesser, more like 1% per skill lvl.

Thank you for submitting your ticket
We will keep looking into this report and forward to our dev team as a priority. :sad:


Ah so the 50% damage on the AA was a bug? Dang…

Still happening after whatever was patched.

Basic attack turns into dark property if I remember correctly, it even gets a different animation, so it should get bonus. But not other spells like meteor.

After this week’s patch it seems to be affecting only my dark spells and basic attacks.

If the damage increase on other elements is small maybe it’s due to the rank 10 warlock c3 attribute adding 20% dark property damage based on your max matk?

Rank 10 attribute adds 20% of your magic attack as additional damage to dark property attacks only.
Effectively increasing the skill factor of your dark property skills by +20, so a dark skill with factor of 3000% turns into 3020% factor. And It doesn’t add dark to non dark skills.

When the bug was active I tested turning off the attribute just to make sure in case the tool-tip was poorly worded, but seems that it’s not the case.

In the middle of Storm Dust

Magic MIssile



Testing done on Warlock 2 Shadow 2

I thought it was something like additional dark property attack to all magic attacks, couldn’t really find the exact description at the moment so I’ll take your word for it :slight_smile:

EDIT: Also since you said that it’s the same whether the attribute was on or not then it’s definitely not related

Seems like you are right, it’s still working.
I tried to test it here but somehow it only gets the damage bonus sometimes, I tested my meteor at popolions and it got the +50% bonus only 2 out of 3 times.

It also didn’t trigger sometimes at Astral tower 12f monsters.

Here the description, it says “any Dark property skill”

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Still happening after 9/19 update.