Tree of Savior Forum

[VIP-BOT] Lv330 fancy-cleric-bot [strong evidences&witnesses..]


dont let this thread die.

I dont think IMC will ban him/her, its simple.

Think about it from IMC’s point of veiw. (No way I think bottong is okay, but as a business major)

You have a bunch of people who are not giving you money and are enjoying you free service, you have 1 person who maybe spent $100 a month. Or a bunch of free loader? Sure freeloader will come and go, but you wanna keep the people who spend money.

I was sub to WoW for 10 years and when I reroll on another server, I bought gold (alot) a Blizzard GM told me to try not to buy gold as it hurts WoW, he didnt suspend my account, take my gold I bought or do anything, just a simple please try not to buy gold. Business dont wanna lose dedicated players who support them. If you go out and spend $100 today I think IMC might consider the ban of this guy.


I know they won’t. :laughing:
$100 ? already did. lul :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
and I know I got IMC’ed. sadboy.

I bought 210 euros worth of costume but mostly enchant scrolls, after hundreds of tries, I got only one decent enchant,for personal use.

So it means, I could use any exploit I want they won’t do a thing lol.
I never used any cheat or exploit in mmo, not even once.
I was in a top guild in another game where the gm and officers and members used an exploit to get some boss stucked and could not attack the party.
Some legit players finally recorded and that guild was massively ban account + ip.


@ohmmykitty I gave up on my report after two months. Hope you can beat my record. :smiley:


with pleasure.:laughing:
Devs’re gonna ban them or not , I don’t care anymore.
just make some fun here.:wink:


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I’m just here to quote this. Seriously though, is this IMC’s way of saying “Fck you OP”?


And that’s how IMC’s "immediate action means"
11 days past the bot is still there, hue :joy:

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Hump de Bump /20char

cant believe that the botter is still alive. dev dont even taking any action ? This player is stealing DPK from me while i do my material farming, what a loser ?

We Dispeller will never tolerance and party up with any botter guild member. young&naive ? LOSER

chill dude, GM will definitely do something about this. The evidence is too obvious.good job on reporting botter.

you wish lol. still not banned RoFlLLL

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And Yet IMC will turn a huge blind eye since they’re going to use the: “They use TP so they’re legit players” excuse.

Since launch until now, already seen bots at lvl280 botting when 280 was cap. IMC dont even bother, seen many players with full equips botting, no actions taken. Report functon in market is useless. You see rubbish for 10m-50m-100m.

IMC is not going to bother. Verkti square have a botter too at bottom left corner. Automoving + autopotting with sorceror summon. Costume + end game equips. I seen the bot there for days.

Report function is rubbish. IMC, why are you so scared in banning bots? Legit players knowing a game with GM actively banning bots would attract more players… It’s funny how a company doesn’t know how to manage a game. Even players know better.

Sometimes I feel private servers manage better than official server. Take for example, RO.

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If IMC will ban those bots, they will loose half of their playerbase, and IMC is also afraid to loose their cash cows bots who buys TP

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There is sufficient evidence that he is clearly botting. He is still running around, perhaps his whole guild bots (young&naive guild).


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IMC only ban spam bots :slight_smile: