Tree of Savior Forum

[Varena] Lolopanther wielding botter stuck in limbo. (Hogni)

Yeah I’ve seen my friend walking funny in Klaipeda but he said on his screen it looks fine.

Are you too lazy to read the TL;DR? I’m saying that the GM doesn’t check for background applications. He is basing his ban on funny movement in Fediman while the guy is AFK? again I’m not against the bad game design but a GM that doesn’t do his job properly and too lazy to do his job. Banning people without proper evidence and background check is just a crook that abused his power.


Poor guy got reported and ban for nothing, lol, if macro is bannable why is dina bee farm so full of sorc, warlock and necro? When are you going to ban them GM? Dam poor alchemist making cheap consumables for everyone got rekt…

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With all due respect @Nicola, and I really mean it since I do ask you for advise and such on other things. I’m simply pointing out that this is all the same to IMC or games publishers in general. Sorry if that ever came across as anything but that.

There’s always a clause in the Terms of Service that indicates that [game publisher] reserves the right to do X,Y,Z without any prior notification at any time of their choosing. Basically, once we (players) enter into this game-world, we agree that it won’t be a democracy but YES, I agree with you that incomplete investigation is horrible, but they [IMC] can argue that you’re free to appeal any improper/wrongful sanctions.

To put this into this particular scenario’s case, the person I “reported” was more vested in accusing me of foul-play or having vested interested in his/her removal from the game. The first and only time I’ve ever encountered his/her character was at that moment. Instead, he/she was focused on busting out a conspiracy theory and decided to accuse me of rigging the system for my gain. Heck, he/she even mentioned that I control IMC GM actions [as if].

Also, it’s not the first time, something exhibiting his/her character’s behavior was reported, and they’re not even Alchemist(s).

I understand that I’ve been painted as the bad guy here, I’ll take it. My stance is a zero-tolerance to automation, convenience or otherwise. I’m in front of the computer, actively using the KB+Mouse whenever my character performs an action, every time; I do not feel that anyone should be above this. Alas, this is not even the biggest problem we have in this game.


My apology, I’m not trying to make you the villain here. I’m sorry if it came off like that. I just wish IMC would conduct aproper way to ban players with third party program check. To prevent players from falsely banned. If he/she did indeed bot then yes, I think the GM did the right thing. Most of us here on the forums knew how long it takes for the GM to reply to our tickets.

Still I’m surprise a GM actually take action on an alchemist bot but none of the necro auto-pot at Dina’s Farm(?).
That’s why I’m a little upset at his decision. It’s good to know that buying TP doesn’t prevent you from getting ban.


Stop lying. Maybe you dont have 6 chars need to rush everyday? I dont even need to research you, people keep telling me something about you, so I knew you just a joke in real life, also I knew the real reason why you reported. You better dont say too much to your friends, you dont even know who my friend is. Lets stop shouting on forum, ill see you soon in game. IMC already done their account check. What you said is your target is not me, but what you did is you still trying to tell people im a bot. You dont even change your title to fix your mistake also(if you can).Dont fool me, what makes you think I will trust your words.

Is this you?

PS: It’s super sad that you bring my in-game avatar/persona to your real-life situation/conversations between your friends. That is gravely depressing to hear.

#Makes me wonder just how much of this [situation] is consuming your life right now…

Just stop… I don’t have the final say here [IMC does].

Also, I thought you were an “investigative extraordinaire”? You tell me!

My characters are basically plastered in the forums and you had to sneak a peek in someone else’s friend list? Good sh*t Sherlock :smiley:

What kind of revenge plot relies on the “victim” for information/confirmation?

Probably got his appeal in already, could just be up for a mandatory minimum.

Is this enough?

I’m genuinely sorry for driving you insanebut also I can be PewDiePie in another Google account because guess what, you can name yourself whatever you like in Google.

This is the lamest and saddest attempt, even your so called “friends” must be cringing right now.

Can you just check your title and see how you call me?
For your question, the answer is none. As I said, my account is fully supporter account.

What you did is you make my friends have to buy pots, scrolls with high price and do everything without support. Really, I dont need to research you, they will. I offer 2 sessil, 2 phada, 2 ignition, 3 aias, 1 archmage bangle, 1animux, 5 petamion, some roxona sets,tons of pots and scrolls, more than 40m to up their skills and so on to them for free.

Im a team player not like you, just tell me what you will do for me if you are my friend? What they will do if you beat their supporter? Whose words I should trust, your or my friends? Im sorry, I cant control other people, just like you cant control gm, same case.

BTW, you can add me as a friend that you can report me immediately next time.

This thread is why I cannot quit Tree of Forums.


Anyways, you got unlucky mate. RNGM was was there when you got reported. Try not to be overconfident when AFK-macroing next time.

@DiMeowgio lucky bastard. Hahaha. Meanwhile my dear “Silvazi” is still out there, happily botting and occassionally even joining TBL last I heard.


A majority of my other reports (via tickets) are in the same position.
As I stated earlier, I too was pleasantly surprised to see a GM right away. We file reports and tickets and we’re normally used to just leaving it alone after that. [This] hasn’t happened to me before.

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I see you’re back into the fray… /Seek

Weird how this game randomly suggested you to me, when we’re not even in the same place LoL!

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