Hi can anyone tell me what’s **Unique Support Weapon Box and Stage 8 Transcendence Voucher
Something to make a hole in your wallet.
Seriously: TP Shop Special Premium Packages
The voucher allows you to traanscend that weapon to stage 8.
from 0 to 8? and the weapon box does it give me a good weapon for higher lvs?
Yes… from 0 to 8. The weapon is similar to a Primus 380, but without the stats. Like a blank Velcoffer.
so the weapon is bad, but the voucher is good?
Is there a timer / expiry date with the weap?
Sorry to hijack your thread, but with the +11 and +5 vouchers respectively, should you use them immediately and the weapon grows with you or is it best to wait until the item is Lvl380 and then use it?
I bought it, the trans 8 voucher works on any weapon you want while the trans 5 voucher only works on the unique support box. Might as well just buy the voucher only.
Link image of the wake up weap ? XD
you cant transfer a transcended weapon
and the +5 voucher is ONLy usable on the weapon box weapon, so its pretty safe to just enchant and transcent it with LEVEL 1 to get the max benefit
Johhny, is the T8 voucher works on Legendary Equiqment like Velcoffer Weapon?
Not Johnny but I’ll help you. It works with Velcoff. Even the two handed.
tp is life men/ thanks for answer me
so i’m a little confused by the +8 transcend voucher. it’s been established that it works on normal weapons, but it says [lv.380] so i’m wondering if it only works on weapons that are level 380? i wanna use it to trans 8 a lv.350 masinios crossbow (best in slot for sapper/quarrel/piper)
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