Tree of Savior Forum

📣[UNBANNED NOW] Banned for ''botting'' (See what a bot looks like)

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Lol “ks” is a hack and slash game. You have it in more stupid way?

This thread

Bot jail WHEN

Well, if you’re running around constantly in one area auto-attacking things, and a GM walks up to you for a bot-check and asks you to respond, and you purposely ignore him without stopping and continue AA’ing, then yeah, you get ban.

I’m actually surprised that you think it’s okay for someone to not have to respond to a GM in this type of situation. You’re either being sarcastic or there’s something seriously wrong with your head atm.

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I don’t know who is more pathetic, the GM, or the people saying you should have replied.

They probably can’t make a jail that’s big enough for all of them… so never.

You teleport the suspect to a small room, like in any mmo ever. If he say nothing you ban him for 1-5 days and send him a mail explaining why he was time do a life ban. You know like in any mmo ever.

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oh, that’s a long time ago in RO. Though why would one go to such trouble when you can simply ask the person right ? After all, if you really want to teleport people to a room, they have to make a room for it, and a channel for it because not 1 but many people will be going to that room, this will likely to affect the server capacity in general and affect other people too, just because of bot.

OP summoned Botknights to this thread lel.

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RO in those day did yes, they have reserver channel and small map room for this. But keep in mind RO have many server and high server capacity. TOS have just been publish and only manage a couple of server. implement this feature will likely to affect everyone’s game performance due to server capacity being split just for this feature. PS: not all MMO do this. trust me i play some other games too.

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Summon @finalfantasyfan092 for special effects


You know he may be didnt look at the chat?
What the gm did here is like if a police officer asked somthing a guy on the street.the guy was wearing headphones and didnt hear him. So the police officer pulled out his gun and head shot the guy.
Looks ok to you?
In israel (where i from) its not.

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Lmao… Just why.


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regardless if its a sealed or not…
Its fun watching the world burn!
…or at least the coffin