Tree of Savior Forum

šŸ“£[UNBANNED NOW] Banned for ''botting'' (See what a bot looks like)

Well at this point, guilty or not, youā€™re just making yourself look like a bad person in general, which wonā€™t help whatever point youā€™re trying to make. :o

i do believe OP is trying to show us how GM is doing their work on banning botā€¦purposely acted as bot see if GM can really tell he is a bot or acted like botā€¦ended up GM banned himā€¦which his objective on this somehow success

its allrigh, ill have to live with that

"a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts"

But Iā€™m communicating fine? Do you even know how an autistic person acts? They shut themselves out of the world.

Yes the first step to recovery is acceptance my friend. Iā€™m very proud


hmm, so letā€™s say he did bot yet he was there, trying to log back , changing music, not replying whatnot.
However if you still bot, but reply to the GM with a ā€œHi, Iā€™m no botā€ while botting is okay? Thatā€™s kind of fked up isnā€™t it?
I donā€™t want to mindlessly farm while I can do other stuff on my PCā€¦ where can I get this bot?
Seems to me like they have no 3rd party detection what so ever. GMā€™s just going on a witch hunt or smthinā€¦

thats great. so they turned out to be real janitors then? LMFAO

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i was gonna open up cleverbot and do some broken bot looking reply & see where it goes from there :slight_smile:

unfortunately the question was too long so i didnt bother

He just want some attentionā€¦

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ā€¦Just gonna leave this here. Autistic people, while having a hard time socially, are usually very intelligent in their own right.


most bot involve add on that allow for auto farming. If imc use a program to determine whether or not a player is botting: you have to understand that what information the program can gather will mostly be a playerā€™s play time, skill use, hp/sp potion use, login /log out time, time a player spent / day on TOS. These information doesnā€™t have enough proof to determine if one is a bot or a player. If IMC use a software to check if gamer is using add on that is on black list, they could be sue for security breaching their own client. As you can see, the most valid way and safe way to check one is bot or not is to actually ask the player themself. Yes this is not an efficient way but itā€™s better than do nothing.

very few of them :slight_smile:


ughā€¦ idkā€¦ my Aunt works with kids who suffer from Autism and believe meā€¦ none of them are genius snowflakes XD

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Considering this is the International releaseā€¦ spanning several different nationsā€¦

Youā€™d think that not being able to respond to a GMā€™s whisper in ENGLISH, wouldnā€™t be immediate grounds for account ban.

In this video, the GM never even attempted to establish that you had any baser understanding of the language (or even if your chat box was open. granted that disabling the hud is a feature applicable with a simple press of a combination of 2 buttons)

Honestly, it is just sloppy and there should have been far more professional steps involved in consideration of account banā€¦ Rather than the baser impulse of somebody not being able to respond via chat log.

Just my opinion.

Seriously though, the ingame gms canā€™t check log times?

Perhaps IMC should join the new millennium and implement a ā€˜Developerā€™s Consoleā€™ (like actual games have).

finally someone speaking with brain. well said

No, they generally do not come off as geniuses. However if you get to know them, you can find it interesting how good their long term memory tends to be. Academically if they do not have other problems, particularly with things that are logical like math, or creative ventures such as art, they can be quite good.

Simply put, saying someone has autism to reference them as being an idiot isnā€™t a very good argument. Nor is it very classy.

People who use bots donā€™t care too much about their accounts/silver/etc, those are easy to get using bots, thatā€™s probably why they donā€™t care too much about appealing (and even if they did, their case is weak anyway).

Just try putting yourself in GM shoes. You got 2-3 friends to take care of over 1000+ bots. In video, he spent almost 2-3 minutes per bot. Then he have to spend a full day taking care of ā– ā– ā– ā–  he didnā€™t even have anything to do with. And players base have very high demand of you but very low trust rate. Players asked you to do your work 24/7 and you still got very low satisfation rate from players. In your work you see bots spawn like monsters and see no ending of this nightmare. Your boss give no ā– ā– ā– ā–  about you and say you have to do some thing to raise the game rating but within the current system.

If you get into the situation like this many people will broken.

Itā€™s going to be a problem if this is their solution thoughā€¦
ā€œCome GM, look at this guy, he might be a botā€ sort of thing.
I hear theyā€™re opening to the public soon. GL with that. lol