Tree of Savior Forum

Two handed mastery

Is it pointless to play a two handed class without taking highlander c1 for the passive?

Since I started the game I was reading what route to take and I could see no reason to go highlander as the passive is not shown on most sites. I went Swordsman C2 > Barb C2.

I was going to go Barb C3 and Doppel C2 but now I feel like I have wasted my time since that highlander c1 passive is too good.

Otherwise I’ll need to change my build and go swordsman C2 > barb C2 > ??

are you talking about the passive to equip 2hand sword(barbarian got this passive too)
or the passive that gives +crit atk with 2hand sword?( this only give a little dmg, so little that it wont even matter late game
either way, you good to go

edit: you may want to check this out

it’s not as good as you think, it only increases your Crit Damage stat, for example if you have 100 STR that gives you +100 Crit Damage, it will give you 150 instead. If you crit for 1000+ damage total with a skill, 50 more damage isn’t that much.
it does NOT increase your whole crit damage by 50%. Only the bonus damage you get from STR.

The math will show you that difference is not worth considering hl c1 mandatory, it’s just a neat little boost. Barb more than makes up In c2 with its power in seism.

Talking about the highlander crit passive

Where can I see how it actually works though?

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not only the passive, u also have a 2H sword Block, that scales with ur level AND your STR, u have crown that works great with doppel zucken skill and with pvp/pve magic monsters/players, and u also have catar stroke that is multihit strike hability (u dont have a lot of strike in any 2h sword build)

u should reroll for highlander c1 for doppel
i dont like sword c2, in any build, or u go c3, or pelt c1 or high c1

what are you talking about? I just gave an example for the case IF you have 100 crit attack for example. If you have 100 crit damage and you attack and land a crit that deals 1000 dmage total, the two handed mastery would increases that to 1050. Tell me what exactly is wrong with that?

I think you kinda misunderstood something? Sure you crit for 1.3 to 1.5 more with autos, but we are talking how much of this increased damage actualy comes from the two handed mastery. I did NOT say that a crit deals just 50 more damage compared to a non-crit attack in my example but that with the two handed mastery in this example the crit would just deal 50 more damage then if you don’t have the mastery.

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guy we are not talking how much a Crit increases the damage, but how much the TWO HANDED MASTERY increases the damage. Everyone knows that a crit increases the damage by 50% + Crit attack.

The Two handed mastery on the other hand only increases your Crit attack. So if you have just 100 crit attack, the mastery would raise that to 150.

So let me get this straight, if this is true:

  • You deal 100 dmg and crit increases the damage by 50%. When you crit you will do 150 dmg.

The Highlander Two handed mastery does one of the following:

  1. Adds 50% more crit damage, increasing your crit damage to 200%

  2. Adds 50% dmg to the extra 50% crit damage, increasing your crit dmg to 175% (50 + 50% = 75%

In either scenario I imagine it comes down to if the Highlander Two handed passive is stronger then Barb c3 points in Frenzy and Warcry.

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@Rulke: no it doesn’t do any of it.

Crit work as follows:

Your have a Base Attack, for example 300.
You have a Crit Attack (you can look that up in your character sheet, it is increased by 1 for every STR)
Lets say for our example its 100.

If you land a Crit the formula is as follows:
300 * 1.5 + 100 = 550.

The two handed mastery increases the Crit Attack (the 100) by 50%. So With two handed mastery this would be:
300 * 1.5 + 150 = 600.

agreed. I didnt go highlander c1 for the crit attack bonus, but because you get high guard for blocking and crown (for Zucken).

Swordman C2 is in theory great for barbarian but in practice the restrain only lasts 30 seconds with 120s cooldown. 20% stunchance is also not that high.

Peltesta brings a taunt, +25% hp to the table. +18% evasion isn’t that great because you cant really dodge on high level. Could also be an option but I prefered the block from highlander.

So the two handed mastery is the equivalent of having an extra 50 str on crits? does that include skills as well or just autos?

no its not. it raises your crit atk by 50%. Crit atk is what gets added to a successful crit and its equivalent to your current Str. (i.e. not much dmg)

• Crit Attack = your STR + items bonus
Exemple: If you have 50 STR and Lapis Katzbalger [+148 Crit Attack] you will have 198 Crit Attack.

When you crit, you will deal: (normal damages)*1,5 +198.

• Attribute gives you +50% to this stat.
Exemple: If you have 50 STR and Lapis Katzbalger, you will have 198*1,5= 297 Crit Attack.
When you crit, you will deal: (normal damages)*1,5 +297 Crit Attack.
It’s 100 damages more than without the buff.

PS: Just keep in mind this is NOT a realy good amount of damages… With the previous example, at such level with such weapon you should probably crit for 2k+ damages, so 100 damages more or less… Who care.

its on the game mechanics, 50% of the Crit attack stat only which is applied after the crit damage.

during crit: 100 str with 100 damage and 100 crit attack damage with 50% increased crit damage = (100x1.5) + 100 + (100 x .5)
150 + 100 + 50 = 300
normal crit without the passive is 250

The higher your str, the better, useless in pure dex build