Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior Wiki

Wikis are something that rely on volunteers and I’m pretty sure most people would rather help out at ToSBase or the other Wikis already out there since they’re more interested in meta-gaming than the stories within ToS. I don’t want people to be forced into working on one Wiki over another since, like I said, Wikia is not a popular Wiki platform in the Wiki community. Every Wiki editor is passionate about certain aspects of ToS so it’s nice to have different Wikis out there that caters to each group of ToS players.

Whether IMC Games decides to choose one Wiki to be official or not is up to them, but I’d rather they accept all Wikis instead of just one as official fansites.

Oh hey, it’s Zero Tigress again :stuck_out_tongue:

well as far as I’ve tosgame wiki it is not focused in to meta, but about general information. I haven’t checked any other tho.

'Sup, Tiduspeco. Nice to see a familiar face from the iRO2 community after getting banned from the iRO2 section of the forums.

The way ToSGame and the other Wikis have been set up lends more to skill formulas and the like, but that’s not to say they can’t contain lore info either.

Haha you get banned too huh? GM Hitler really didn’t appreciate me. Now I’m disappointed with myself that I thought she was cute :frowning:

Seems the only people she wants in the forums are those who don’t criticize and bow down to her. Guess that means a cleansing of the old guard like ourselves. Hopefully the next CM will be more sensible and less egotistical.

Just changed the color scheme of the homepage widgets to match the rest of the Wiki’s theme. I don’t know what I was thinking having the headers in blue and yellow, please forgive me. oTL

New community poll is up on the frontpage! Feel free to poke at it!

Added icons to the forums so it’ll look less plain. Want to do more with the forums, but it’ll take some time for me to figure out since I’m SO rusty at CSS.

If a game exists, there is a wikia for it.

Honestly. I think this should be the wikia we should be pour all our resources into. It’s got the perfect name and I’ve never been a fan of individual non-wikia sites and I say that with all respect to the effort poured into those.

I used to play RuneScape and if you’ve used it’s Wikia before, you know how amazing it is. So freaking detailed. Every item, mob, quest and aspect of the game is covered. They left nothing and I loved that. I wish ToS has that kind of level of wikia and I personally intend to contribute to this wikia to be our one-stop shop for all things ToS but I believe IMC should lend us a hand.

Another positive aspect of having a wikia and not just a fansite, is that there are iOS and Android apps that let you access all the games’ wikias’ through your phone. It’s really convenient.

Although Wikia is a good platform when it comes to advertising the game in addition to having smartphone apps and being able to embed media such as videos and social media widgets, they do have limitations in regards to design customizations because the Wikia staff prefers that all wikis hosted on there adhere to particular layouts that are changed periodically. Not a lot of wiki editors like a wiki platform that’s not static so that’s a reason why many wiki communities prefer to host their own or move to other wiki platforms like Gamepedia that support a Wikipedia layout.

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Indeed but that’s a reasonable price compared to the benefits we get in my opinion.

Wikia and Wikipedia layouts and features each has their pros and cons. Benefits would depend on what you prefer in a wiki.

New community poll!

New community poll is now up!