Tree of Savior Forum

Transmit Prana self-buff has been removed

Either way, the skill had a bug and consequently an unintended effect, which was [taken-advantage of] to phrase it lightly.

Funny how until now I still see Sadhu3s jumping in front of their TP… guess habits die hard.

I still jump sometimes to cancel the cast animation, recover faster imo.

I still do the same for this reason. And I would do the same on my Chaplain if there was a way to cancel the annoying slow buff animations.

I’ve a dream someday I’ll be able to cast all of my buffs from my Chap-PD2 without standing still for about 5+ secs, like make me able to cast them as I’m moving, maybe someday…

Yeh, I jump for almost all my buffs too, it’s not related to TP. Some buffs like TP or Limacon are stucking your character for too long, it’s better to lose 1 sec of time on your buff while moving instead of staying at the same place and still losing 1 sec.