You all see how toxic this guy is and he want us to welcome him in Klaipeda because he is running from toxic players in Silute LMAO.Dude needs to look in the mirror and research what toxic people means…sigh
Stay in your toxic environment because your no better and we don’t need you here.
Bye Felicia[quote=“joren123, post:26, topic:347248, full:true”]
Transfers between Klai and Silute is probably impossible because of the different regional pricings. You can buy tokens on Silute for amounts you probably cannot buy gum with in other countries. Which is probably the reason noone really cares about Silute regardless of how populated it is.
Player count doesn’t always equate to income.
By the looks of it nobody likes you or want you in Klaipeda so why come over?Like I said earlier if you want in the server so badly make a new character on Klaipeda.[quote=“Mestre_dos_Paranaue, post:30, topic:347248”]
Shut up boy, u don’t have to oppinion if u don’t know what happened.
^ This is you clearly not being toxic LMAO
People who get mad over this and start insulting others are the ones that have low self-esteem and usually the insults reflect on themselves.Like how you keep acting like everyone is a child for example.Yet only a child would get mad and offended over the internet lol.