Tree of Savior Forum

Thinking of rolling Bokor

Try to see if you can gain anything from this thread

Bwa Kayiman/Zombies or Hex/Effigy are decent builds with it.

Pick one or the other.

i have bokor, not many ppl use bokor bcuz sadhu got nerfed and there is realy no archer level int cleric builds. monks are archer lvl dmg ive heard so ppl are going strength. bokor is int so monk isnt so good with bokor. and everyone else is a full support. i went sadhu and i have bokor in my build.

bokor is actually a really good class when i was rank 3 (not sadhu yet) i found myself killing things faster than wizards and swordsmen, sometimes archers (rare lol). you will need spr for bokor, but it depends. as you lvl ur spr will go up a lot bcuz thats how wiz and clerics sp do. but if you spam effigy and hex, you wil need sp pots a lot. so put a few points itno spr, not a l ot bcuz at end game you will have enough even if u didnt put any in spr.

*you have to use hex b4 u can use effigy.

  • hex sometimes is a pain bcuz u always target ur zombies Q_Q
    *effigy deals x3 damage on third attack so dont freak out once u get the first hit and is like “woah this is weak”
    *effigy has no cd, hex has 8 second cooldown
    *when u have low sp, thats when you start relyign on zombies.
    *tet mamak la ( a.k.a laughing monkey skull) deals damage ( a lot actually) and can knoc enemies in the air if aimed right. it has no cd and low sp cost.
  • dont buy weelchair zombie attrbiute, its a rip off.
    *if u plan to go past c1, dont worry as c2 is really good too, its no "one or all like ive heard linker and wizard were. bcuz bwa is really good for grinding and keeps up ur zombies.
    *hex aoe is kind of small at leve 1-3
    **************** beware as cleric rank 1 and 2 are a pain bcuz of fying enemeis Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_

overall, it is kind of buggy and annoying at times. ( hex and zombies Q_Q) but if imc ever makes it possible to change targets ( clerics can tab change , bug) bokor would be grea, its one of clercis best dps classes.
have fun if u actually go bokor.

Ah that’s right.
There’s not many ‘Bokor’ builds but Bokor is being used a lot as a filler for those going INT DPS and doesn’t want to go Diev or Priest or Krivis.
e.g. Cleric2 > Bokor3 > Druid2.
There is a lot of threads here that has Bokor as a filler, just not the recent ones.
This subforum moves fast (and every other one too)

Yeah I looked through that before, but I understand stats just not the class itself.

The c2>b3>d2 looks interesting. Not seen that on the build site.

Whats the damage like for that?

Zombies, always zombies.

Thanks for the info.

I find wizard spells to be pretty dodgy most of the time. Especially when spells don’t go where you’re aiming. Luckily that only seems to happen during lag spikes.

I’m surprised about taking SPR as at least on wizard it seemed like a pointlesss thing to take. Well that’s if you can afford a billion sp pots.

I want to go bokor 2 or 3, just messing around with builds atm.

Not sure about the damage.
A lot of the ‘builds’ in the build site and in this forum are untested, just plans that a lot of people have.
And I always take builds with a grain of salt because even the lv200+s in this forum aren’t good only due to their builds. They are good because they can utilize their build well.

Just kinda googled ‘cleric bokor druid’ and I come across a lot of Bokor3. Those guys usually choose it because they really like Bokor, but who knows how many people with any ‘builds’ actually still play >.<

yeah but druid is really good dmg class, carnivory deals a lot of dmg and transform isnt too good but lol u can turn itno a quet enemy and then trick players, they will just keep wasting their cooldowns on you and then u just transfrom back into urself and theyre like 'wut". and u can use telepathy in pvp to control ppl.

I like the idea of changing into a plant… Does sound funny.

And the telepathy reminds me of mind control in WoW, so that’s also got potential to troll people.

Yeah that’s true… I kinda went my own way on Wizard because it’s pretty obvious.

But Clerics confused me due to having a lot of interesting circles, but none of them seemed to mesh well in my mind.

Probably due to my inexperience with them.

No, that’s a normal train of thought.
Clerics in ToS are a bit too versatile and doesn’t fit the typical healer in other MMOs.
The hardest challenge of being a Cleric is figuring out how you want to play vs how everyone tells you how to play.

You just have to get used to the synergy concept in Clerics.
We’re mainly divided into two: STR builds and INT builds.
We’re not even divided between support and DPS because we’re geared to do a bit of each.


helpful post to read

Yeah I noticed that… The clerics I’ve seen in groups tend to be the heal focused ones. Which is quite nice.

I was interested in bokor due to seeing a cleric with zombies ages ago in Royal Mausoleum.

The main problem I have with Clerics is I like all their skills, at least on paper. Which is why going bokor interested and confused me equally.

Thanks, I’ll check it out!

anyway here are some builds i think might work.

if you are only going c1 bokor:
cleric>cleric>bokor>sadhu>sadhu>sadhu>plague doctor ( or kabbalist )
cleric>cleric>bokor>sadhu>sadhu>druid>plague doctor ( my build)
cleric>krivis>bokor>krivis>krivis>druid>plague doctor(or druid c2)
not too many things to do with only 1 c1 bokor
but for c2 bokor:
cleric>cleric>bokor>bokor>druid>druid>plague doctor
cleric>cleric>bokor>bokor>krivis>krivis>plagye doctor ( or druid or krivis ,more supporty than dps)
cleric>krivis>bokor>krivis>bokor>druid>druid ( getting krivis instead of bokor c2 at rank 4 helps bcuz of divine stigma but u can mix up the first 5 ranks if you want. and having krivis at rank 2 helps)
bokor 3:
cleric>krivis>bokor>bokor>bokor>druid>plague doctor
cleric>krivis>krivis>bokor>bokor>bokor>plague doctor
cleric>cleric>bokor>bokor>bokor>druid>plague doctor
cleric>krivis>bokor>krivis>bokor>bokor>krivis(or plague docotor)

these arent tested but has a high chance of working.
if u r choosing one of thses builds ( rememebr not tested)
then krivis has divine stigma at circle 2 and it is a exxelent dps boost ( gives a lot of extra int) and zaibas is really good skill also
plague doctor is mainly at the end o youc na spread hex, and incenerate deals extra damage on a hexed enemy ( and any statsus effect anyways)

also the c2 and c1 builds arent really bokor bokor, bcuz those are builds where bokor is mainly a filler class as ashpydiel said.

after hexing aim is fixed, all bokors will be ■■■■■■■ strong

bwa kayiman has terrible scaling so getting it to lvl 10 wont help, if u want bokor c3 i would do this

cleric>cleric>bokor>bokor>bokor>druid>druid or Plague doctor

How about a Bwa Kayiman bokor c3 build? What do you recommend after getting bokor c3?