Tree of Savior Forum

There should be an Account Storage!

I got some thing that is in my swordsman that i want to transfer to my wizard.
i couldn’t find a way to do it by myself.


I was hoping for some kind of mail system at least or something to transfer items too.

I would love an account storage, I’d be willing to pay for it.

Please, no…
I mean, I’m really willing to pay for this game because devs are doing a good job so far, but I really dislike the monetization based on the frustration / annoyance of an aspect of the game.
We need to stop paying for that if we want better MMORPGs economy environment.
MOBAs monetization models are far better examples in that matter.

But that’s not the topic.
I’m pretty sure they will add this feature later, it is present in all respectable MMORPGs.

FF14 isn’t respectable?

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I never played to FFXIV so I can’t tell, correct me if I’m wrong but based on my google searches, the Retainer replaces that role.

Retainers are character specific. You can pay to have extra retainers. One extra retainer means one extra retainer for every character you have.

There is no account storage for FFXIV.

So… how is that even acceptable ? Why dont people complain about this?

Not gonna lie, it probably has something to with either…

How potential works with trading… or…

Maintaining some form of realism to increase immersion.

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As far as realism go in this game,all your char meet at your barrack,so they could easily trade between each other. It’s not far fetched and would only require some sort of way to handle Trade for both the character.

As for FF14 people don’t really complain because most people don’t reroll. In this game you can do any classes with you main and switch when you want. And for those who do,well i guess they complain and do it the old fashion way,via a friend or overpriced in the auction house or guildbank.


Not everyone has the same priorities as you. Good games can exist without account storage, it’s that simple.

Now, I would like account storage, for this game and for FFXIV, but that doesn’t hinder the rest of the game for me.

The only thing not having account storage will accomplish is to force players to have a friend help in moving items. It doesn’t add anything to the game. Of course games can exist without it, but is there a compelling reason not to have it?

I wasn’t implying that FFXIV isn’t a good game, sorry for the misunderstanding !
As far as I understand, it isn’t needed in FFXIV. I should have precised that every MMORPG which really needs account storage have it. I mean, it is a very basic feature.

Whatever, I was just suggesting people not offering money for things that require no effort to develop. These things should be in the minimum that everybody should have for playing comfortably.
Furthermore, I don’t like games which creates incomfortable situations and propose you to pay for solving them.
I don’t want to pay for that, I want to play and find a solution by myself. However, I want to pay for things I chose to have, without any game system pressure. (for example, cosmetics)


Let XP cards be stored too, so that people can more quickly level up new characters by sacrificing XP on their existing characters!

i imagine that would be possible. the only other benefit i can see from them making the quest exp into a consumable is that you can save them for an emergency to 100% heal (lvl up) while grinding or whatever.

Transferable XP cards sound nice to the player, and I would love to take advantage of that, but that does cut out quite a lot of the game.

They need some way to monetize the game. I’m sure everybody wants everything for free, but I’m willing to pay for certain things so long as the things I want to be free are indeed free.

You nailed it. It has everything to do with the Potential system, and I’m sure devs are still discussing the best way to implement it.

I think they will implement an account storage/ same storage system because in today’s mmos its a must.

As it is right now, I’m under the impression they want to discourage people from making alts as much as possible. Maybe for testing purposes so people can focus on just one class? I certainly hope that’s the only reason.