Tree of Savior Forum

There is a few things IMC should clarify for the server transfer

  1. Will token benefit be transferred?
  2. Will we not be able to play after applying for transfer, or only when the transfer start? (I know latter is the case, but apparently many people can’t understand it)

equipped items and inventory is there so I’m guessing it is somewhere on those stuffs.

Ya buy token benefit is not an item. If they haven’t mention it we shouldn’t assume.

Have you applied and tried logging in? I’m actually scared to try but I’ve applied already.

I have it states the change won’t happen for a week, so nothing to worry about

good to know, thanks.

dont wanna miss a week of talts

have you tried logging in ?

yeah i’m in, but i was logged out while applying

ya, you wont miss… erm… 7 x 3 = 21 talts u love

Can you make parties ? List items ? Can you do everything again that was not allowed before applying

Continuing the discussion from Server Transfer Details and Conditions:

It says “to apply” so I believe you only need to leave before applying, I’m not sure however

Have you tried it yourself ?