Hey guys!
I think they will renew the key distribution in the next CBT. What are your thoughts about this?
They have already said people who played in the first ICBT will be in the second and that more invites will be sent out.
Read b4 create a post pls
Don’t spam forum
Yeah. but i think they will change the key distribution for the new testers, because its pretty unfair to spam accounts .
Please be patient and you’ll find out
What method do you have in mind?
hmm, i think the old registered accounts will get their keys (i got my key last beta test btw.) . and thats pretty much about it.
Once again they are aware of the spamming and are filtering them out as they have already stated.
Whay if they give 5k key to those who joined 1icbt to choose who ill come along into the next test?
HOHOHO what a dream
lol so you’re suggesting they give 5000 keys to 5000 previous testers?
Not bad.
lol no. i mean the old registered accounts who doesn’t get their keys last icbt
i think they did that last beta test. about the top 1000 players thingy will get additional key
Yeap they did.
So lets repeat that formula with just adjusting to +1 key for every tester.
I hope they don’t count two account as spamming account because i got my beta key (still couldn’t play wasn’t home) but not my brother last time and this time i hope he will get his but if they think he’s a spam account T_T, i will play alone when we already prepared everything to play duo.
i think they will do 1 key = 1 ip address. But pray that there will be a event where top 1000 players will have an additional key.
Lol I’d be happy if this happens but it’s so unfair =x
but no, IMCs won’t give 5k keys for previous testers… i think so
Probably they will go with something like this:
- We know that the game was meant to be played through Steam platform, right?
- Beta redeem were supposed to be on Steam platform.
So, we can suppose that:
The CBT1 players will have access to the game through their already registered ToS library. Maybe a huge patch on the game’s folder but the access is already granted on each tester’s Steam account.
5000 new keys will be granted to people who were not included in the very first batch of beta keys for CBT1 (that way you can filter the spam a bit, as cbt1 betas were sent there were less dummy accounts around).
I’m going with (1) anyways. It’s more effective to patch the game and ‘allow’ old accounts rather than to send 10000 ‘new’ keys (5000 to oldies & 5000 to newcomers)
My thoughts:
No matter what kind of method IMC will be using to distribute CBT keys
there will be always desperate key beggars and threads about it, so be prepared
server overload coming… again…
Just wait , possibly IMC will distribute the Key’s based on the frequency of accounts registered in the Forum.
i think they will prioritize the “members” of the forum =)