Tree of Savior Forum

The Video AvantHeim Doesn't Want You To See

In the court of law, the one who is accusing has the burden to provide proof. What I see here are all personal attacks and assumptions equated to conjecture.

I am not part of Avantheim nor I am defending them. This thread is pure nonsense and more on propaganda.

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Of excuses and diversions.

I sincerely hope you’re joking there. Did you read the original post?

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Video looks like proof to me.

If you view the video as personally offensive then clearly you have some vested interest in it.

By their logic it seems like I can go around committing crimes if I think it’s fun, but oh its okay as long as I report it later.

Too bad this isn’t the courts huh.

I hope you provided them with proof of the bug, like let’s say, recorded videos for then to work with. Text or screenshots just won’t cut it. They need to know the how.

Uh, that’s why there’s a vid o-o

So they’re gonna see you guys exploiting it on Comfy guild. With the “wait it out” and “we have your tower hostage” and all…

I have seen that video before. The skill from the Summon can knock back objects. I don’t even see making this such a huge deal here in this specific thread.

Best way is to report it to IMC being a bug. Done deal. No drama, No hate.

… Propaganda at best. Hate is power.

Contradicts your initial reply of this in the original thread:

Your original video that you yourself privatized so no one else can see was also leaked on the same day.

Could it be that you never planned to report it initially, thinking your video couldn’t be found out by anyone and then once it did, oh snap, better send a report to make it look like I was gonna?

Not entirely farfetched. Could be you’re telling the truth and you reported as soon as possible, could be you’re just doing that to save yourself. It really can go either way but your initial reply doesn’t paint you in favourable light. Just saying.

This is construed and illogical. Anyone they fight against and using this particular trick can take a screenshot and video. What is the use of hiding it when the opponent can already get proof as clear as day on what they are trying to achieve?

@atsurokih - What is your motive for showing this video? What do you expect to get from it? I am sensing some hatred instead.

I agree. Just look at AvantHeim:

Since we are not inside a court, let’s go all out bash. That’s how we roll. Screw logic.

Motive? It’s a fun(ny) video, don’t you think? I’m just sharing a fun(ny) video here. No hatred whatsoever. Why are you accusing me of hatred? Where is your proof? After all, [quote=“Darkness2, post:13, topic:327243”]
In the court of law, the one who is accusing has the burden to provide proof.

Great because I find it funny too. Then I’m out of here.

EDIT: Removed to stop it from growing

You seem rather vested in this issue for an outsider.

You’ve seen that video before yet your previous post stated that they did not provide a proof for this case study.

Also, I rather support the notion that this is made public, instead of being closed behind privacy gates and raise the public awareness so to give IMC the urgency to fix the bug, and for others to be aware of such acts and allowing them to judge on whether their tower going missing is a game bug or a bug exploited by the opposing guild for unfair advantages: which, in the latter case, deserves a report for bug abuse and let the perpetrators be punished accordingly.

You should not bring up the court and the power of Law if you act with a vested interest or is biased towards one party or the other.

Finally, this is raising awareness and hate is not power. You’re not making much sense there.

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See you soon friend! :slight_smile:

I’m in the video :slight_smile:

as a varena player i can safely say that the reason my guild never joins gbl is because of avantheim
we just do party quests while waiting for tbl time