Tree of Savior Forum

The true value of the founders pack

Usually people take away the value of the days in favor of putting it towards TP. Making it like $6 to enter early access with the benefit of early TP.

That’s an alternative that IMC would have to offer. Which would be interesting. I understand some people who prefer to wait for F2P friends and still get the limited bonus. However the days still have value regardless of whether you use them or not since they’re a part of the package.

Like I said many times before, The real problem is NOT the $50. the “3 months” early access is.

Price is fair, the time is not.

I’d of totally paid the fifty just to play. I was in the first and second beta test and definitely enjoyed the game, but due to circumstances; I didn’t have much time to play. (I would had probably dropped that much money anyways on the cash shop regardless if it was founders are not. Probably will drop something like that anyways ontop of the founders. But I have a job and a cut of my paycheck that goes into ‘entertainment funds only’.)

But honestly @maruthontour considering that I pay $60 for a AAA title game for typically around thirty - sixty hours of game play. I don’t give a **** if the less fortunate doesn’t get to play early or not.

This is addressing the issue of the price which others have brought up. Personally I can see the issues with the 3 month head start however I also remember I join new MMOs all the time which all have capped players with millions of gold.

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A hat I don’t give a damn about, TP I don’t give a damn about, all stuff I don’t give a damn about forced down my throat if I want to test the game’s status now and not in three months.

Then don’t test it. All you care about is playing as soon as possible. All the company cares about is making money as soon as possible. Obviously there needs to be an agreement. An agreement that’ll obviously be a 4:1 with the company being in favor. If IMC needs my money to boot the game up, take my money. If it kills the game, well **** oh well. Not like I haven’t dropped money on other Early Access games (Alpha Testing more like).

Whether you care about it or not. They are still included. Maybe they’ll add an option to buy just early access cheaper without any of the extras. However the early access time still has value.

Would you have been upset if they announced just iOBT without founders package was coming out in 3 months?

I’d wait three months. Probably play Dark Souls 3 and No Man’s Sky in the mean time when they come out. Or any other game I can literally drop my $50 on that IMC won’t be getting without the founders. Not sure 'bout other people.

hats are worthless, tp is worthless, you’re only paying for early access on a game in which access is free, so, again, worthless

Personal opinion is subjective. Some users will find hats extremely valuable since they’re a limited item.

Don’t care about hats, will save TP just incase I have to hop serverts after three months. Experience and Knowledge is invaluable. Maybe I can discover something cool and before anyone else then do it better in the new server that’ll come out.

To be honest, the TP isn’t worth much to the majority of Founders. The early start though, that’s what people are really paying for. If IMC released a TP-less three month early start like $5-10 maybe $20? The $50 tier would be a ghost town.

I wouldn’t say p2w. It’s more like p2not-be-annoying.

The problem with the majority of people isnt the value of the Founder’s pack, but its price, and the fact that many people expected an open beta to be an open beta and not an early access disguised as one.

but early access doesn’t change the fact that it’s going to be free2play… It’s just going to be free2play at a later date.

Considering that servers are hosted in US, they’ll have to price by that structure. A different albeit inferior currency, is simply suicide.

Of course not, they mentioned it being soon. Founder server is sooner than June 23rd release so that means they lied which highly pisses me off.
Heck, I don’t even mind giving out $50 but that’d mean I’m taking a huge liquid dump at the rest of the dissapointed players.

3 months is pretty soon. It’s not really that long.

It might be soon but it’s definitely not Soon™