Tree of Savior Forum

The Server is OFF?

Server with problem or maintenance ?
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It’s ended already :sweat:

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beta test ended sadly =3="

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it’s currently on a maintenance phase to fix a lot of bugs. Maybe it’ll open several months later. #joking :kissing_heart:


beta test has ended. >___<

Omg , I was reading now :frowning:


It seems there’s a problem with the server or something. Also some bugs might get fixed along with it so please bear with it for a while.

how much did u pay for d key? (–, )


Today is officially Doom days for Beta Testers… See you again Beta Testers, and ICBT2 is coming very soon, after the server amendment


nobody paid for a key

i hope those of us who play in beta 1 get in beta 2…i know i only submitted like 10-15 bugs…all of which were probably already reported by 1,500 other players…but if i don’t it’s not the end of the world…

you just dont get it :heart:


u dont get d joke? T.T

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i really hope i’ll get one key , i love this type of game <3

uhm… And now… Someone have a idea with when is the day to connect again… I want to play again, the game it’s so cool >:C

Keep an eye on the website. None of us know more than you do right now.

LOL, I love the way you put it xD
I hope this update will be efficient tho o/

It’s not my case, I had not read the global message.

There was a lot of ppl that got a key that wasn’t really into the forum, just wanted to play the game for the lulz and luckily got a key. Is not their fault, it was IMC selection system.