Tree of Savior Forum

The new japanece character voice

the japonenes server OBT launched this week. And I was watching some gameplays and saw it was with new lines and enjoyed a lot.
So I downloaded the Japanese version to get the voice file but do not know where it is.
Anyone know where you have the file?
If at least know the iToS version can search.

As far as I know, you donā€™t need to download anything. It was available a while ago already. You just need to change some configurations. Just search the forum for ā€œJapanese Voiceā€ and you may find. I donā€™t know if one can be banned for doing that though.

Changing Voice Acting to JP By @mapoflove
This is a guide on how to change the voice acting(Skill Grunts)

You are going to need two things:
How to navigate in your computer :stuck_out_tongue:

You will go to the tree of savior folder > release folder and look for an XML file called user. Once you find it, you will have to open it. Now look under sound and you will find the Language="" code. There you will add ā€œJapaneseā€ and it should look something like this Language=ā€œJapaneseā€ and then click save. There you should now have jp voice acting sound.

Its already in this gameā€¦

No ban

In the Japanese version has new lines in existing ability. Not only talking name of skills.

I got to try this when I get home

I tried this at that beginning during founderā€™s access but that didnā€™t work or do anything. Iā€™ll try again hopefully it works :open_mouth:

I happened to try this today and it worked. (regular notepad will just do btw) But I changed it back already because I prefer the original.

Ohhh yes i canā€™t wait to use the Japanese voices. Not a big fan of the Korean voices here.

Edit: maybe the merge with ktos did some wonder with this

this is the reason why i change to japanese voice ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

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Thatā€™s the reason I play a necromancer.

Septi Worr!
Dibayno Mayto!


Iā€™ve set the flag a long time ago. I donā€™t know why you waited for the Japanese version to be out to use it though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, Iā€™m only talking about voices for skills (everything else remains the same).