Tree of Savior Forum

The game is fun, I'll keep playing

With all the rage and people complaining, I would like to share that I’m really satisfied with the game design.

Tree of Savior problems are most related to connection and the attempt to avoid bots and gold sellers. I don’t agree with the developer saying that we don’t need to purchase the high priced DLC’s, because even thought we don’t need to buy them, the prices affect the economy of the game much more than gold sellers do.

But talking about the game itself, the design, the visuals, the soundtrack, the leveling system and the class systems, it’s nice to see something different from those generic mmorpgs that we get every month.

The game has its problems, I can’t defend IMC for some choices, and the game needs balance, but overall it’s been a good experience so far and I’ll keep playing.


We know this, but if they leave it in its current state–rather, if they don’t communicate with us their future plans on how they’ll approach their issues, then players will feel that IMC doesn’t care, and that there is no hope, and we will move on.

Like damn it IMC just give me the fuc king kawaii and let me grind mindlessly but I can’t even do that.

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Here is some info from them

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This helps! This deserves an official topic in itself, even.
Personally I don’t know where people thought that the community manager was fired. Regardless, I’m not asking for a community manager. Just a weekly “We are aware of these issues and are working on a solution. Thank you for your suggestions regarding”–such and so forth.

I feel like they don’t want to do that as they would be expected to fix the issue faster if they publicly announce that they know about it.

I can definitely see that as something that would happen :c