This better not end with the server crashing because of the Moon.
You are not ignoring me, aren’t you?
Oh my god!! Only
2 days, 15 hours, 37 minutes and 17 seconds left!
WAIT! 16 seconds!
WAIT! 15 seconds!
WAIT! 14 seconds!
I just listen the OST while waiting.
who are the musicians for this game? is it the same as RO? coz it sounds realy good
SoundTemp is there, yes, but there’s also SFA who are putting out pretty amazing stuff. STemp’s tracks for this game are not precisely on the RO OST level though, in my opinion.
Don’t forget your umbrella. Everyone knows it rains the second day.
Someone like this! I’m out of hearts!
Fourty. Hours. To. Go… insomnia is making this wait painful…
I just sleept for 11 hours straight xD.
Feels goooood to just sleep and …unplug your phone for once.
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From what animation is that xD.
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My little brother isn’t into girlish animations (girl stuff is stupid, atm.) xD.
I am more forced to rewatch these knight and dragon type animations.
Or things like monster AG etc.
He’s only 7 and we are 18 years apart …
Oh gosh should never have viewed that… cringe is strong with disney animation xD~
It’s funny when you listen to the OST and look at the Anna gif at the same time. Her eyes match the beat xD
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