Tree of Savior Forum

The Big Cocks' drop

Has anyone obtained the Eagle Feather headgear from them? Tried farming for 8 hours but didn’t get one, its getting frustrating. So frustrating it makes me want to take both my hands and wrap it around their long necks and do nefarious things of an unsavory nature, like turning them into flails.


Based on a 0.2% drop chance using the following equation:

Probability of obtaining at least one of our item of interest = 1 - ( ( 1 - x ) ^ y )
Where x is the fixed drop chance of the item and y is the number of tries to attain the item.

If we want the probability of obtaining at least 1 eagle feather to be 0.95 (95%) and our fixed drop chance is 0.2% or 0.002 then:

0.95 = 1 - ( ( 1 - 0.002 ) ^ y )

If we solve for y, we find that one must kill about 1500 ‘Big Cocks’ to have a 95% chance of obtaining at least 1 eagle feather.

If you are unhappy with the low drop rate, then you may want to go write a thread in the suggestions portion of the forum.

Hope this was helpful and good luck if you decide to continue farming.


The mob name is crazy that it made that section of your post funny dood
Anyhow nice statistics, pretty crazy just to get one feather @_@

Just FYI to get something with drop rate 0.2% you need 500-1000 kills for a good (60-90%) chance. And still there is a probability you won’t get it after all.

Good luck :chicken:

Thanks, this is delicious data. I’ll be sure to leave the Prinny race out of my avian genocide, dood.


There was a time when I wanted to farm myself up some tasty nukella…

If you think 0.2% chance is bad? How about 0.01% chance lol?

Do you really want to know?? You seriously don't want to know...

30k kills to have a 95% chance of at least 1 drop XD. Better start praying that you weren’t cursed by the 5% god lol

I’m surprised it sells for as low as it does on the market channel. Only 70k? Suffice to say I grabbed a jar since I’m not about to go farm till the end of the universe to finish a dumb collection lol.

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Thanks for the consideration dood!

I’ve always wondered what that Nutella rip-off is for, so it’s for a collection. No wonder someone wants them dood XD
Thanks for teh info :smiley:

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Well you want them because they are delicious right??? RIGHT???

But how would I taste them if they’re in the virtual world? D:

Oh and if you can consume them in the virtual world, what are the effects? @_@

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No clue, never tried consuming it myself >_>

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I’m still can’t believe, people was farm monster card in R_gn_rok that have 0.01% drop rate and still manage to get ton of them…

mean while. I’m played for more than 10 years and only get the f*cking Poling card…

Intriguing, I hope I get to see a cheap Nukella in market and consume it :open_mouth:

i have killed 2040 green apparition and not a single nukella was dropped :cry:

Only 28k more to go for a 95% chance! You can do it! Killing 2040 green apparitions got you 6.8% of the way there! Just another 93.2%!!!

I found the Nukella on the first or second day i played. I merely did more than finishing the quests there.

But i should be quit when it comes to %-chances.

Guess i will be beaten if i tell that arde dagger dropped on my second dungeon run. (Means 4 try with reroll, got 2 Talt, Beetleback recipe and the dagger)


Edit: Afaik if you use the Nukella it disappears without anything to happen. (No brown stains on your cloth or similar)