Tree of Savior Forum

Thanks IMC for the best DPK EVENT!

Yeah, this new event had all the farming zones packed. It was a genius move on IMC’s part.


More memes please! :joy:


i think it’s funny how this thread ended up being a meme dump hahaha

please, more memes! :joy:


DPK bug only affect Silute and Kláipeda server? or only Silute?
Because inside Orsha server i don’t see the bug issue…
Why Orsha server have maintenance?

:astonished:lol my post escalated quick


The server should be like that in the weekends, also i dont understand why this bracelet should be rarer than 315 weapons anyway :slight_smile:
Best event ever, plz do that again one time per month!!!(suggestions…)


Diz o senhor da moral e verdade absoluta. E vem bancar o sergio malandro. Que produtivo.
Quero saber do movimento lá do shinobi em alemeth.
Flws FDP!

shots fired ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­

E quando penso que me removeu do grupo do face pq postei que deviam nos unir pra abrir lojas na frente da planta lá.
E me veio todo pimposo pagando de moralista que não é assim que se resolve as coisas…
Ae vem no forum causar de hue.
Antes de postar algo pense no que isso vai adicionar ou ajudar a comunidade.
Flw engraçadão.

Just cause you asked, babe.


Watch IMC make a better battle bracelet for R9 that’s easier to get and people don’t complain lol.

Ok. Sapinho, né? Fica la com suas Barracas em Alemeth atrapalhando quem quer virar Ninja e fora da nossa comunidade. Toxico.

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Something that would be funny…
If these are the drops to expect given the Ktos event.
If its preprogrammed in to activate on the weekends based on Korean time and its already saturday in Korea well lol.

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This topic is gold in terms of forum starting a flaming war, to bad not many people that missed the bug are acting up.

Now, the one thing i love the most about this topic, is seeing how many of you saying hurray about the freebies will come back here with IMC BANNED FOR NOTHING, BANNED IMC WHY YOU THIZ, or I DID NOT KNOW IT WAS A BUG-WTF IMC. There an unlimited variation to the above threads, and im sure ill enjoy them all.

Either way, for those that get away with it with no punishment.

For the ones that get caught and banned:


chora mais, qm te baniu fui eu :*


Oh Please Stop with these memes i cant stop laugh and i will die becouse of this hahahahaha :joy:


Keep the fresh memes coming boyz!

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caraio maan… tava dormindo. pior cochilo da minha vida. :frowning:

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All jokes aside, this was seriously the best event i’ve seen on ToS, even though it didn’t last very long and we had to figure out the event for ourselves instead of reading forum announcements.

10/10, would throw money at IMC games for another event like this!