Tree of Savior Forum

Take care of this IMC Staff, Trade in-game and Bots

This can be a good solution for us, what about free up the trade in-game above level 250?? This can be a nightmare for bots, because to bots reach to the level 250 is a hard work and a long long way!!
Heres my solutions:

1_Bots needs reach to level 250 to trade the gold and items.
2_Hard hard work to grow up, bot must be configured every time for each map that they change, thinking about it until they reach to Level 250 and risk to get banned, we have a point here, be banned after picking up level 250 is very badly.
3_Every 50 levels players need to answer some questions (Quizz, captcha) and this happen randomly at 1~50 some (Quizz, captcha) appear, 50100 (Quizz, captcha) appear again and so on. If the players answer wrong, BUM!! Permanent ban or GM Jail!!

So what you guys think about it? :grinning:

What about gold sellers? What stops someone from just legit leveling a account to 250 and then using that account to sell gold with others?

Or in some cases, some gold companies have hundreds of people that will hand level an account and then sell gold using that account. Ban 1? They’ll level up 3 more.

And it’s not that hard … these companies have hundreds of workers … so one worker will play for 4 hours, they switch out and another will play for 2, then another for 4 … and so on. They never have to log off.

Permanent ban for losing a quiz? that sounds terrible. Including the jail. Captcha just affect legit players. The general consensus is that manual reporting is the best way to get rid of bots.

Thats why I still believe adding options when you right click a chara has options like:

Report Bot and Block



Arcanix is not that hard grow up to level 250?? Thats not a pirate server what exp rate is 100x…

Failing a quiz/captcha/whatever could just give a xp/drop rate penalty till the player gets it right.

I think this report manually help but is a arcaic system…

There’s a topic addressing this issue and the dude got some good ideas, check it out it’s the: ridleyco’s Market License