Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Storage Search Bar

Another quality of life fix. If we could have a search bar added to the storage it’d make searching my 17 character’s storages for specific items much easier and quicker.

We have a search bar for the Marketplace and our own inventory but not in our storage. A relatively simple fix that probably should have been included as a “feature”, if we can call it that now in 2017.

@STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Yuri

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They haven’t even fixed their sorting function yet… we had it since forever and it never worked properly, now they “patched” it somehow but it still looks buggy as hell. :frowning:

If we cant sort, we may as well be able to at least search.

I recommend the Barrack Item List addon, you can find items of any character you have already logged in.

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I’ve been using BarrackItems since forever, still, it’s really disappointing that such basic functions don’t even work properly whitout the using addons. :frowning:
Another example: they “fixed” the Collections search function some patches ago, but I’ve been using an addon for that, since often the search function bugs out or doesn’t even work, exactly like the Adventure Journal (that doesn’t work at all).


This would be amazing and it’s a great idea though :satisfaction:

New guild UI… New adventure UI both came with a very heavy pricetag.

TBH, my ram feel safer with the addon

The problem i have with addons is, most if the time the addon’s creator will stop supporting it over time and it will become outdated and eventually either fail or cause something else to fail with it.